Miracle messiah

in christian •  7 years ago 

"hey, guys! He's here! Right in our town performing miracles . Lets check Him out." News travels fast about the "Miracle Messiah," who is healing the sick and stirring up the crowds with His radical ideas. Even a few of the skeptical religious leaders {the Pharisees)want to hear for themselves. So they make their way into a crowded building and listen with disgust. Who is this guy? they ask themselves. The young Jew before them claims to be the Savior. He even insists He has all authority on earth, yet He wanders the land like a drifter. Whats more He's a mere carpenter's son and hangs out with society's undesirables. lepers, beggars, prostitutes and traitors. Suddenly...Creak! Snap! Crash!Wood breaks, clay falls, dust rises. The Pharisees glare. Jesus smiles. A paralytic is lowered from the roof and gently placed at Christ's feet. "Son" Jesus says your sins are forgiven." Why does this fellow talk like that?" Question the teachers of the law. "He's blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?" Jesus looks at the Pharisees, "Why are you thinking these things," He asks. "But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins..." Jesus turns to the cripple man . "I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home." A miracle! The crowd gasps as the paralytic stands up and walks out the door. Everyone in the room rejoices. The teachers of the law are stunned. Is this man truly who he claims to be? Jesus nothing so we could have everything. He wore a crown of thorns so that we might wear a crown of glory. He ate with people so that we could someday dine with God. He cried tears on earth so we would never shed them in heaven. He became sin so that we might become righteous in heaven. He walked over dusty roads so that we may walk on golden streets. He died so that we might live.It's time to let Jesus heal your paralyzed legs and feet so you can leap for joy-and into action, telling the world about this amazing, miracle Messiah, Commit living fully for Christ. He knows every thing about you-even your sinful nature. Yet He still loves you and wants you to experience His love, life forgiveness and power in all areas of your life. Experiencing His love does not mean all your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors will immediately be pure. What it does mean is that you can be real, feeling pain and joy love and anger, confidence and confusion, knowing Jesus will never reject you. He will always be helping to overcome any evil. Why ?So that your life will become abundant, so you will be whole and complete not lacking in anything. Now that's life!images.jpg

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It was very good to know the information was not known. You have a lot of fascination

Thank you very much!