Psalms 2: 7-9

in christianity-smg •  7 years ago 

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  • Below is God's decree to the nations.
"I will declare the decree:
The LORD has said to Me,
'You are My Son,
Today I have begotten You.
Ask of Me, and I will give You
The nations for Your inheritance,
And the ends of the earth for Your possession.
You shall break them with a rod of iron;
You shall dash them to pieces like a potter's vessel.'"
  • I will declare the decree.

The Lord's Annointed Himself is speaking which is indicated in the following passage. He will declare the decree that God the Father, The Living God, spoke to Him.

  • You are My Son, today I have begotten You.

What God The Father spoke to Him, The Lord's Annointed recalls, which is emphasizing His standing as begotten of The Father, and identifying Him as none other but The Son of The Father.

In Job 1:6 we see that sometimes, in a generic sense, the angels are called "the sons of God", however God, The Father, never said to any angel in a specific sense "My Son". Or called them "His Son". That is reserved for the second person of The Trinity, God The Son.

As a contrast to created, Begotten is also an idea, an important idea. Let's look at the below Scripture...

Jesus, The Son of God was not created. Rather, Jesus, The Son of God created everything that was created.


A relationship between two beings of the same being and of the same essential nature
  • I will give You the nations for Your inheritance.

The nations are held by The Lord's Annointed as His inheritance. All judgement is committed to Him and He will rule over all nations. ( John 5:22 ).

An exciting consummation of this inheritance is described in the Scripture below.

Nations are like clay pots to The Lord's Annointed that He can shatter them with a blow from a rod of iron. This is the power which The Lord's Annointed has over the nations. This shows exactly that when The Lord and His Annointed are defied, it is considered to be foolish to say the least on behalf of the nations.

Their defiant opposition carries no benefit and no reason at all.

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