The Christian why does it appear that 70% who claim Christianity have no rights? Who is funding Good? Dr. Sherri Tenpenny You have seen how much funding the Luciferian government gets. We Will Prevail Together Under God!

in christianity •  3 years ago  (edited)

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We are building a team to win back our nation – mentally, physically and most importantly, spiritually. We have a plan. NOW is the time to fight

The Founders of this organization started from a simple premise:

  • Who is funding Good?

  • Who is supporting physicians, nurses and the very few others who are risking everything to speak out against this global government tyranny?

  • Who is providing options for prevention and early treatment of this viral outbreak and true wellness options for overall health?
  • Who is standing in the gap for God’s children and their right to obtain an education without being forced to wear an ineffective, torturous mask?
  • Who is leading the charge against employers who are forcing their workers to be injected with an experimental drug to earn a living and provide for their family?
  • Who is fighting to reopen our places of worship, and teaching what the Word of God says about FEAR NOT?

Like many others, we are tired of waiting for “someone” to do the work. After much thought and prayer, was born.

Our goal is to raise millions of dollars and then be the conduit to fund GOOD projects in the following categories:

  • Legal pursuits: Lawsuits are expensive, and most Americans cannot afford to hire an attorney to fight this Goliath alone. Fighting for your God given rights should not require a 2nd Mortgage on your home. We are currently assembling a team of attorneys who will join forces to fight for Mom and Pop America.
  • Establish a new healthcare system: Many have experienced the travesty of medical mismanagement throughout this COVID crisis. Even worse, many of you have experienced first-hand the disrespect given to family members over their “covid test” or “vaccination status.” It’s time to build a new system of medical CARE based on true informed consent, true healing and prayer at the center of it all.
  • Christian training centers: Our churches have failed us miserably. They closed the doors and refused us to gather for worship, and at the same time, have opened their doors to become a vaccination center. Local and national pastors and priests have advised their parishioners to submit to the injection that will violate the Temple of the Holy Spirit. We will fund projects in all 50 states to train men – and women – to stand up for Jesus and live a life inspired by the Word of God.
  • Athlete Protection: Athletes in all sports and at all ages – from middle school, high school, college and through professional careers – are not being told the truth about the potential devastating effects the COVID shots can have on their cardiovascular system. The shots can cause life-threatening, and career-ending injuries and illness. These important young men and women and their coaches need to quickly know the truth about mandatory vaccination and learn the best way to stay healthy.
  • Protection for Performing Artists: Even if they have a multi-million-dollar contract for their label, musicians are being banned from entering studios unless they are injected with a COVID shot. The spike proteins and antibodies to the spike protein can attack the lungs; singers and those who play wind instruments may permanently lose their ability to perform. Artists who perform in theaters are highly skilled athletes who could experience career-ending injuries and illnesses, similar to those who play sports. These men and women of all ages must be protected.

We are building a team to win back our nation – mentally, physically and most importantly, spiritually. We have a plan. NOW is the time to fight

Please go to and help us build a war chest to fight back. No donation is too small. Benjamin Franklin warned us that “we must all hang together or we will all hang separately.”

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A Toronto rally coming up Nov. 27, 2021

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Dr Sherri Tenpenny is an osteopathic medical doctor, board certified in neuromusculoskeletal medicine. In addition, she has a proficiency certification in Integrative Medicine. Widely regarded as the most knowledgeable and outspoken physician on the adverse impact that vaccines can have on health, Dr. Tenpenny has been a guest on hundreds of radio and national television programs (including the Dr. Oz Show, DayStar TV and the Today Show Australia). She has lectured at Cleveland State University and Case Western Reserve Medical School, and has been a speaker at conventions, both nationally and internationally, as a recognized expert on a wide range topics within the field of Integrative Medicine including breast health, breast thermography, women's hormones, medical uses of iodine and the adverse effects vaccines have on health.

Dr. Tenpenny is the author of several books, including best seller, 'Saying No To Vaccines' (pub. 2008; currently out of print). She is contributing author for several other books including 'Textbook of Food and Nutrients in Disease Management'.

Her articles for magazines have been published in over 15 languages around the world.

She was board certified in Emergency medicine and worked as a full-time Emergency Medicine physician and Director of a Level II Trauma center from 1986 to 1998. She is the founder of Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center, a medical clinic located near Cleveland, Ohio. Opened in 1996, her company provides a natural, holistic approach to getting well and off prescription medications. Her approaches have attracted patients from all 50 states and at least 17 countries.

Dr. Tenpenny has invested 20+ years and far more than 40,000 hours researching, documenting and exposing the problems associated with vaccines. As an internationally known speaker and author, her many articles have been translated into at least 12 languages. She is a frequent guest on radio and TV to share her knowledge and educate parents

on why they should just say no to vaccines.​

Currently, she attends to patients two days per week at Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center, located in Cleveland, Ohio, where patients from nearly all 50 states and 17 countries have gotten well using a combination of conventional and holistic therapies.

See Philosophers-Stone.Inc

The WHOLE WORLD WILL CHANGE if this interview is seen by the masses. This is it. This is the FINAL "Variant". Your life, the life of our children and every generation to come will be forever enslaved if this agenda is carried out! PLEASE SHARE!

On Bitchute here,

From Thomas White on Patriots of Right Community FB Page, Thank you!

Thank you Great Warrior Trish Anderson for this FB post,

It’s long, but worth the read. All documented medical facts. True Biology
What’s In the Vaxx? Transgenic Hydra And Parasite Implants Used As Rapid Human Cloning Weapons System
By guest writer Dr. Ariyana Love
OCTOBER 31, 2021
By Dr. Ariyana Love
The transhumanist dystopian nightmare we find ourselves in took a new turn with the shocking discovery of Hydra Vulgaris and PARASITES in the so-called Covid-19 “vaccines”.
Dr. Carrie Madej revealed her Hydra findings on the Stew Peter’s Show on September 29th, 2021, followed by Dr. Zandre Botha’s stunning discovery of microscopic, self-assembling medical devices in the blood of her vaxxed patients. The red blood cells are dangerously deformed and coagulated, things she says she’s never seen before in her 15 years as a blood doctor.

Post here and some of those findings in the Stew Peters show link just above from Philosopher's Stone the bitchute link,

Rundown of Karen Kingston on Stew Peters going over patents proving what Dr. Carrie Madej was telling us on the hudra and the technology.

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Some Americans believed they would get their way of life back if they just took the Jab, but it has been proven to be the gateway to an Obedience Platform as we tried to warn them to be cautious and the hostiles refused to heed the warning, doubled down with mocking, belittling and name calling.

It is possibly an execution platform if you are not obedient based on your score.

Songbird much.
Here is this trailer again I have referenced many times during this scamdemic.
Been out for some time and signaling CV 23. You see, Universal Law states they have to Tell you what they are attempting to do to you, then in the code of the nefarious. . .if your too stupid to heed what you are being told directly, in their book and dealings. . .you Deserve it!

Here is the patent

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Here is the link to this patent on Google Patents

It appears the "normies" [as they think They who listen to the corporate owned media and advice of their globalist overlords are Normal and those of us who Think and Research for ourselves are abnormal because it goes Against their programming] don't quite grasp what all of this entails so let's break it down in case you come upon one Willing to give it a listen After the fact.

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Section 0308 talks about this patent having a plurality of devices that connect to external servers, including apps.

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It states you may be required to download a Mandatory dedicated app.

Do you suppose that since they got some to Obey and get jabbed, and even After they were proven to have made false claims so then demanded boosters with their excuses. . .those same people will just say, "oh, okay then!" As they have already been shown and proven to obey?

Evidence here,

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Can inform on users locations at all times.

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Western Australia already launched the G2 app

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Not unlike Songbird is it?

This is very similar to what has been reported for years, but the Gatekeepers and elite globalist have done their best to threaten those exposing while quashing Truth!

See more here on the Biotech industry, tampering wth DNA and Transhumanism here,

Facebook Frames Would you upload your conscience if you could? A question presented at the Consumer Electronics Show 2018 with Genetically Homegrown Organic Sleeves.

Learn about Morgellons disease in here. What some have been trying to warn people about for years.

See a Facebook Post over the Truth concerning the Capitol Riots posted 11.2.2021 here,

Oh look
the talking heads have come out to play!
I'm seeing bobblehead type merch!
Note where it states, Mark Ibrahim Refused!
Not good enough for them though?
See how he faces 15 years though he Never entered the capitol and an FBI informant urged him to attend.
See how Army PSYOPS Capt. Emily Grace Rainey calls riot a possible 'false flag'
Rainey has not been charged but says she was forced out of the military.

More with Full sources found here,

Another important source involving this,

According to Revolver,

Is it possible that the Oath Keepers, the most prominent antigovernment group in the United States, has been run, in effect, by the United States government itself — and nobody has mentioned it until now?

Revolver News generated tremendous discussion and controversy with our previous piece exploring the possibility that some of the unindicted individuals referred to in the 1/6 charging documents may be undercover agents or informants.

Unindicted Co-Conspirators in 1/6 Cases Raise Disturbing Questions of Federal Foreknowledge

Of all the questions asked, words spoken, and ink spilled on the so-called “Capitol Siege” of January 6, 2021, none hold the key to the entire event quite like what Sen. Amy Klobuchar asked of Christopher Wray.

The Democrat from Minnesota asked the Trump-appointed FBI Director: Did the federal government infiltrate any of the so-called “militia” organizations claimed to be responsible for planning and executing the Capitol Siege?

Amy Klobuchar questions FBI Director about Capitol Insurrection, Proud Boys

Christopher Wray is able to uncomfortably weasel his way out of answering the question directly, partially because Klobuchar does him the courtesy of not asking him the question directly. Klobuchar instead asks the FBI director if he wishes he had infiltrated the militia organizations allegedly involved in 1/6 — assuming from the outset that there was in fact no infiltration, thereby providing the FBI director an easy way to avoid addressing the question one way or another.

Key Questions

← Front page / Exclusive
Unindicted Co-Conspirators in 1/6 Cases Raise Disturbing Questions of Federal Foreknowledge
June 14, 2021 ( ago)

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Of all the questions asked, words spoken, and ink spilled on the so-called “Capitol Siege” of January 6, 2021, none hold the key to the entire event quite like what Sen. Amy Klobuchar asked of Christopher Wray.

The Democrat from Minnesota asked the Trump-appointed FBI Director: Did the federal government infiltrate any of the so-called “militia” organizations claimed to be responsible for planning and executing the Capitol Siege?

The full segment is available on YouTube.

1:36 / 4:47
Christopher Wray is able to uncomfortably weasel his way out of answering the question directly, partially because Klobuchar does him the courtesy of not asking him the question directly. Klobuchar instead asks the FBI director if he wishes he had infiltrated the militia organizations allegedly involved in 1/6 — assuming from the outset that there was in fact no infiltration, thereby providing the FBI director an easy way to avoid addressing the question one way or another.

Revolver News is willing to address the matter directly in the following three questions:

In the year leading up to 1/6 and during 1/6 itself, to what extent were the three primary militia groups (the Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys, and the Three Percenters) that the FBI, DOJ, Pentagon and network news have labeled most responsible for planning and executing a Capitol attack on 1/6 infiltrated by agencies of the federal government, or informants of said agencies?
Exactly how many federal undercover agents or confidential informants were present at the Capitol or in the Capitol during the infamous “siege” and what roles did they play (merely passive informants or active instigators)?
Finally, of all of the unindicted co-conspirators referenced in the charging documents of those indicted for crimes on 1/6, how many worked as a confidential informant or as an undercover operative for the federal government (FBI, Army Counterintelligence, etc.)?

From now on, all discussion of 1/6 must give way to a laser-like focus on the questions above, with an unwavering persistence at obtaining the answers.

If the narrative about 1/6 does not conform to the questions above, the American people will never learn the most important truth about what 1/6 is, and what kind of country they’re really living in.

If it turns out the federal government did in fact have undercover agents or confidential informants embedded within the so-called militia groups indicted for conspiring to obstruct the Senate certification on 1/6, the implications would be nothing short of seismic. Especially if such agents or informants enjoyed extremely senior-level positions within such groups.

One of the key consensus points among the FBI-DOJ and the regime media is the idea that, while 1/6 is primarily the fault of Trump-supporting QAnon-infused “domestic terrorists,” it is secondarily the fault of so-called “intelligence failures.”

Klobuchar’s own question at the March 2, 2021 FBI hearing (above) reinforces this “intelligence failure” narrative, but she is not alone. A five-month “bipartisan” Senate investigation recently arrived at the very same “intelligence failure” narrative to explain the breach of the Capitol and associated events on 1/6:

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If it turns out that the federal government (FBI, Army Counterintelligence, or a similar agency) had undercover agents or confidential informants embedded in any of the groups involved in 1/6, the “federal intelligence agencies failing to warn of a potential for violence” looks less like an innocent mistake and more like something sinister.

Indeed, if the federal government knew of a potential for violence in or around the Capitol on 1/6 and failed to call for heightened security, the agencies responsible may in fact be legally liable for the damages incurred during that day.

It is unsettling to entertain the possibility that the federal government knew of a potential for violence on 1/6 and did nothing to stop it. It presents the question: why would agencies, or certain elements within, sit back and let something like this happen on purpose?

A still more disturbing possibility arises from a careful study of the unindicted co-conspirators listed throughout the various charging documents of individuals facing the most serious charges related to 1/6.

We at Revolver News have noticed a pattern from our now months-long investigation into 1/6 — and in particular from our meticulous study of the charging documents related to those indicted. In many cases the unindicted co-conspirators appear to be much more aggressive and egregious participants in the very so-called “conspiracy” serving as the basis for charging those indicted.

The question immediately arises as to why this is the case, and forces us to consider whether certain individuals are being protected from indictment because they were involved in 1/6 as undercover operatives or confidential informants for a federal agency.

Here it is useful to draw a distinction between two discrete categories of participants in the so-called Capitol Siege.

The first category is the group of mostly harmless tourists who walked through already opened doors and already-removed barricades, and at most were guilty of minor trespassing charges and light property offenses. The second group consists of those who were violent with police officers, broke down barricades, smashed windows, belonged to a “militia” group engaged in military-style planning prior to the event, discussed transporting heavy weaponry, and so forth.

Up until now, the overwhelming (perhaps exclusive) share of counter-establishment reporting on 1/6 has focused on absolving the first group. And this is a valuable thing. The notion that these harmless “MAGA moms” wandering around the Capitol were domestic terrorists engaged in an insurrection is absurd. That many of these people are being held in prison, without bail, under harsh conditions, amounts to an unacceptable and outrageous abuse of basic human rights.

However, the possibility that the federal government had undercover operatives or informants involved in the events of 1/6, from its planning to its execution, compels us to turn our attention to the second category of participants.

We are especially interested in the unindicted co-conspirators who belonged to any of the big three “militia groups” — the Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys, and the Three Percenters. Indeed, it is these militia groups whose behavior, statements and planning leading up to and during 1/6 most closely align with the “violent insurrectionist” caricature we hear about in the media, and which the government claims to be going after in its aggressive prosecutions.

If it turns out that an extraordinary percentage of the members of these groups involved in planning and executing the Capitol Siege were federal informants or undercover operatives, the implications would be nothing short of staggering. This would be far worse than the already bad situation of the government knowing about the possibility of violence and doing nothing.

Instead, this would imply that elements of the federal government were active instigators in the most egregious and spectacular aspects of 1/6, amounting to a monumental entrapment scheme used as a pretext to imprison otherwise harmless protestors at the Capitol — and in a much larger sense used to frame the entire MAGA movement as potential domestic terrorists.

This is what’s at stake in getting to the bottom of 1/6.

And so we proceed, unafraid, to investigate the question on which everything else pertaining to 1/6 hinges — did the government have informants or undercover agents in any or all of the “big three” militia groups leading up to or on 1/6? How many of the key unindicted co-conspirators in DOJ prosecutions are unindicted because they are undercover operatives or confidential informants?

In short, what did the federal government know in advance about 1/6, when did they know it — and how far did any undercover operations go?

Something’s Rotten in Michigan: The Forgotten Case of the Whitmer Kidnapping Plot

Of course, we could point to countless examples in America’s history of undercover agents and informants being actively involved in various “domestic terror plots.” But for the purposes of the argument we’re making here we need only go back a few months prior to 1/6 — to the so-called “Whitmer Kidnapping Plot.”

Indeed, what if we told you that scarcely three months before the 1/6 Capitol Siege, the FBI arrested 14 people for planning to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and overthrow the State Government — and that the alleged conspiracy to overthrow the State government involved storming of the State Capitol?

And what if we told you that of the 14 individuals who allegedly plotted the “kidnapping” and overthrow of the state government, at least five were undercover agents and federal informants? And as if that’s not enough, many of the individuals allegedly involved in this plot appear to belong to the “Three Percenters,” one of the very same militia groups now blamed for storming January 6.

And, as the cherry on top, what if we told you that the director of the Detroit FBI Field Office, who oversaw the infiltration operation of the Michigan Plot, was subsequently granted a highly coincidental promotion to the D.C. office, where he is now the lead FBI agent for all 1/6 cases?

As crazy as it sounds, all of this is true. A full account of the Michigan Plot and its parallels to the Capitol Siege runs outside the scope and purposes of this article. Nonetheless, it will be useful to briefly flesh out some of the most salient details alluded to above.

The left-wing blog Jacobin, of all places, provides a good description of the allegation and charges:

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Interesting? Especially for a left leaning mag catching on?

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From Jacobin Mag,

From its primordial days to its most recent history, the FBI has always mixed legitimate law enforcement activities with political repression, overwhelmingly targeted at the political Left. And while it may not seem like it at first glance, that fact is vitally important to keep in mind when we think about the most recent blockbuster case the bureau is involved in.

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Back to the Revolver and what the Michigan Kidnapping Actually started out as. . .

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FBI informant testifies in Whitmer kidnapping plot hearing

No wonder this Michigan plot didn’t take the federal authorities by surprise!

FBI infiltrators comprised, at the very least, 26 percent of the plotters. That is, at least five FBI operatives have been disclosed, against just 14 suspects indicted.

A look at the annotated indictment reveals that at every level of the plot, FBI operatives played the most important leadership roles:

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Looks like a certain agency Likes and Wants drama. Why do you suppose that is?

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Explosives expert docu

Head of Transportation docu

Head of Security docu

Remember. . .
CHS = Confidential Human Source
UCE = Undercover Employee

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