And such as do wickedness against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries, but the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits. The word of God divided mankind into two, one those who know their God and those who do not know the Lord. Those who do not know the Lord are corrupted, sinful and wicked but those who do know the Lord are saved, righteous and holy. John.17:1-3. The major reason why Christ came into this world was to make people to know the Lord. Mt.11:25-29. John.14:6. There is no man who will know the Lord outside Christ. He is the way, the truth and the life no man can come to the father but by Him. After we have known the Lord in salvation we need to move on to know Him in sanctification and after that to know in the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Philip.3:10-14. Even after getting all these experiences we still need to keep on desiring to know more of God as Paul the Apostle did. The very moment an individual feels I have known God enough and there is no more desire to know more of God such a person stands the danger of backsliding.
- THE EXHORTATION TO KNOW GOD: 1Chro.28:9; Jeremiah.9:23-24; Eccl.12:1; Joshua.24:14-15; 2Chro.14:2-5; Job.22:21-25; Isaiah.1:16-20; Acts.17:30-31; James.4:8; Hosea.6:1-3; Eph.1:12-20. And thou Solomon my son, know thou the God of thy father and serve Him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind for the Lord searcheth all heart and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts: if you seek him, he would be found of thee, but if thou forsake him, he will cast the off forever. The Lord is calling every man to know Him. Whatever a man possesses if he does not know God he has nothing. Whatever we know if we don’t know God we know nothing. To know God the sinner and the wicked must take the following steps. (1) Acknowledge that he has sinned. (2) Repent from all sins and wicked practices. (3) Return to the Lord. (4) Renounce and confess your sins. (5) Receive Jesus Christ into your heart. (6) Resolve in your heart to serve God in sincerity. (7) Remain regularly in the fellowship of true believers.
- EVIDENCE OF NOT KNOWING GOD: Judges.2:10-13; Exodus.5:1-2; 1Samuel.2:12, 17-22; John.4:21-24; Titus.1:16; Isaiah.1:2-4, 11-20; Jeremiah.9:3-6; Romans.1:25-32. The clear evidence that a man do not know the Lord is the life of sin and unrighteousness. Those who do not know God lives in wickedness, corruption, immorality, idolatry, cultism, drunkenness, smoking, gambling, use of charms, murder, abortion, homosexuality, bribery, polygamy, divorce and remarriage, stealing, animosity, malice, tale bearing etc. Gal.5:19-21; 1Cor.6:9-10. Someone who does not know the Lord is as dangerous and deadly as a snake and Lion. When one knows God there is always a change of life and character, old things will pass away and behold all things becomes new. 2Cor.5:17.
- EFFECT OF KNOWING GOD: Daniel.11:32; 1Thess.1:5-10; Daniel.3:13-18; Daniel.1:8; Gen.39:7-12; Jeremiah.21:7; 1John.2:3-6; 1John.4:6-8; 1John.3:5-10; 1John.5:18-21. The major difference between those that know and those that know him not is freedom from sin. For those who know God have ceased from sin, but those who do not know God cannot cease from sin. Someone may be a preacher, a worker or even a leader in a church and yet not know God. It is salvation experience through Christ that brings us into the family of God and made us to know God and God to know us as His children. The great question is do you know God? Are born again? Have your sins be forgiving you? Have been made a new creation in the Lord Jesus? Or are you still living in sin though you claim to be a child of God? The bible said that whosoever is born of God does not commit sin, for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he is born of God. We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself and that wicked one toucheth him not. 1John.3:9. 1John.5:18. If you really know God you will cease from sinning, but if you continue in sin it means you have not known God. The grace of God that sets free from sin is available to all men including you. Repent today, confess and forsake your sins and accept Jesus Christ into your life by faith and you will experience the power that sets free from sin. Titus.2:11-14. Rom.6:1-4, 18-23. The question is do you know the Lord? Have made him your personal Lord and Savior if not why not now.