What is driving me away from Facebook

in christianity •  8 years ago  (edited)

I wrote this following post into one of the many rooms called Christian Anarchist. But I became disgruntled by AnComs in disguise.

I came here thinking, Finally a group of Christians who believe that a government by man and of man and over man is wrong. But what I find, AnComs claiming to be AnCaps. Not all of you, but the most vocal stating things like "selfish individual"... Sorry but being an individual allows me to not be caught in collective thinking. It prevents me from becoming another statist robot.

Then I find myself compared to Zionist and Jews... Well though I am not insulted by the term Jew, it is furthest from the truth. And a Zionist wants government. I don't.

How about the selfish part? I run a catering job that 100% of the profit, after paying my workers, goes to charity. Mostly Christian charities to help people who cannot help themselves. I don't even draw a paycheck from it. But I won't beg for money either. I will work for the money that I donate by my free will. And if you call that selfish then you are a serious cuck.

Lastly we are freed from the laws of sin and death, but yet I am told to not self defend because that is some person's interpretation of the words of our messiah. Guess what, re-read that passage; He outlined what was going to happen to him leading up to His crucifixion. You can line up everything that he said, step by step, to what happened to him. And he was talking about the application of the law.

But even Paul said that we are not saved by Law, but by Grace.

  • Romans 10:9 For if thou shalt confess with thine mouth the Lord Jesus, and Believe in thine heart that God raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
  • 10:10 For with thine heart thou believes unto righteousness, and with thine mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Shall we sin then? No way! But our sins are neither profitable for us, nor held against us by our father. He does not see our sins. If our sin is not profitable, then why would we sin? But it isn't us who sins, but our flesh that sins. For what I want to do, I do not, but that which I don't want to do, that I do. The flesh is dead in sin, but our life is found in Christ, though the actions of Jesus Christ.

Shall I condemn another for sinning? Have you been so perfect that Christ Jesus did not sacrifice himself for you? Is not all sin worthy of death? So how shall I not defend my brother in Christ, knowing that I may be held accountable by man, but still righteous in Christ.

Self defense is not life and death, but flesh and flesh. Why must I harm or kill another to defend my brother? Could I not detain another, so that I have the opportunity to minister to my attacker also? May I not defend my brother that I may have the opportunity to walk in Christ and maybe clear up a misunderstanding that caused the conflict int he first place?

I am telling you now. If you think it is best to be a martyr for Christ because you decide to not defend yourself, then you have not read, nor understood that When God says Precious are the deaths of his Saints, that the word Precious is Costly. A martyr cannot preach Christ crucified, or has my death been in vain? Is it not the scriptures that state that I was crucified with Christ, and Resurrected with him? If I have died and resurrected with Him, how am I to not share this with the whole body that the whole body may also be found in him?

Self defense does not mean killing your attacker. It means to stop him from being a threat. This is why some of us have been called to the shepherds. A shepherd prepares the field and protects the flock. If I am a shepherd and not willing to protect the flock then I am no shepherd. But even then, a good shepherd will minister to the wolf, to discover that even the wolf was nothing more than a sheep wearing wolf's clothing.

Should I practice self defense and private property, DAMNED STRAIGHT. And it is because I am a steward of God's things, and if I am a shepherd, then I am also a protector of the body of Christ.

Should I kill those who threaten the body of Christ. NO. Vengeance is the Lords. I have no need or room for it.

So the proper question, shall I kill for the Lord, even in self defense? No. However if your action causes an accidental death, do what is right, and try to make proper reparations to the survivors of the deceased. By doing so, you are ministering to as many as you can. Is this a law? No. Since the death and resurrection of the Lord, we have no law by the flesh that we may obey for righteousness. Even before then, the mosaic laws were not laws unto righteousness. But the righteousness has always been, and always will be, to believe God.

I believe that this is the beginning of the end of my time on Facebook

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