I do not think that many atheists exist

in christianity •  5 years ago 

I know a guy that is a self proclaiming atheist, I almost feel sorry for the guy...but not quite! As an atheist the guy believes in nothing (which is kind of pathetic because the guy does not even believe in himself). The guys thinking is in a death spiral! I will say this about the guy, at least he is committed.

Some people claim to be an atheist and they say they do not believe in anything, yet thoes people still do not want to sign all of their material positions over to me. They said that the reason was something about fairness, of course if they do not believe in anything why do they believe in fairness. People like that expect others to follow the rules, but I wonder who they think makes thoes rules?

In my opinion most people that claim to be atheists are simply to self centered to admit what they actually believe, I think that most people dream of a world where they are 'gods'. Not many people will admit one day they hope to be considered a god. I honestly think that is the strongest pull towards communism/socialism. The idea of communism is a great idea...but its flaw is this...humans would be involved. The idea that everyone will get an equal amount of food is reasonably fair. I know that there are people that are bigger than me and would require more calories for there bodies to opperate smoothly, and then I know of other people that are just fat, and there fat selves are going to try to take some of my cake. So I think that communism would work if people would just stop being human!

But there are people that believe in the pie in the sky called communism. The basic thoughts of the so called atheist and the thoughts of the person that believes in communism are very similar. Thats why communism is opposed to any teaching that claims that there is a god.


--“Militant atheism is not merely incidental or marginal to Communist policy. It is not a side effect, but the central pivot,” wrote Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Lenin compared religion to venereal disease.--



I realize that the average person might think that humanity would be better off if there was no organized religion (thats a concept called deism) But many people have been tricked into thinking that atheism wants to get rid of the idea of god, but actually atheism wants to replace god with a manmade system.

Order is built on the concept that there is a guy at the top (called GOD/a god) The only thing that atheism does is say 'I am not going to listen to the guy at the top.' And communism goes a step farther and says 'we will become the guy(s) at the top'

Although deists are not on the road to heaven, deism is a huge improvement over atheists (who are radicals that are in denial). Followers of deism believe that there is a GOD/or god(s) but that person chooses to not serve that deity.


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