Jesus IS Real. He Truly Saves Believers, and I Know My Father Is Now With Him.

in christianity •  7 years ago 


This is my Dad, approximately around the age of two.

Late last Saturday night, I received a phone call from my brother, who informed me that our Dad died suddenly on his Kansas farm. I will not go into details of the frantic phone calls among the family, the last-minute packing, the 380-mile drive, the hurt, the intense pain and feeling of loss, or the tears I have cried and continue to shed each day over our loss. I will just say it was one long week of stress, grief, comforting, remembering, and wondering how we will ever live our lives like normal again without Dad.

Dad's widowed wife, (my stepmother), told us about an experience Dad had over a year ago while undergoing open-heart surgery. He was reluctant to share, but he told her about a vision that changed his perspective on life.

In this vision, he saw himself on the operating table. He was out of his body. But he wasn’t alone. A man was with him. Dad knew it was Jesus, but He didn’t look like any pictures he had ever seen. He had short, gray hair, slightly curly. Jesus walked around the operating room, and calmly rested His hand on the shoulder of each surgeon in the room as they worked on Dad’s heart.

Then Dad saw his deceased father and mother watching over him. He recalls making eye contact with them. Not a verbal word was spoken between them, but intense communication took place through their eyes. Through the whole experience, my Dad recalled feeling completely at peace, with no fears or worries. Jesus was with him through the entire surgery, and Dad recovered very well and was able to go back home.

Dad found a faith like he had never experienced before. He began attending church, praying, and building a relationship with Jesus. When he spoke to family on the phone, he always ended with “I love you,”, something I had never heard him say before. I was unaware during his last year of life that Jesus had appeared to him and made him a believer. But my stepmother and their Pastor confirmed that Dad had given his testimony and accepted Christ as his savior.

So even though he has passed on and is no longer living among us, I find peace knowing that he has eternal life. I pray that when I die, he will be there on the other side waiting for me.




I love you, Dad.

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I'm sorry for your loss. As my parents age, I think of this often. My parents are strong christians and the best role models and mentors i could ever ask for, so I know the peace that comes with that. Your father's experience is not one of a kind. I had a friend that had serious medical problems at a young age and had a similar story of actually visiting heaven and meeting a grandmother she'd never met. My friend ended up with cancer shortly after telling me her story. She was doped up on morphine and in pain the last time I saw her. I was in tears knowing I was saying goodbye. She looked at me and said, "It's okay. I know where I'm going. " The smile on her face was so reassuring. There was no question she was good with God. I'll pray for you as you go through this. It is tough loosing someone, but I'm glad for you that you know where he is.

Wow, thank you so much! Death isn't scary when we know the glory that awaits us. That's an incredible story about your friend. God bless you.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-14

13 Now we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve like the rest who have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, so also we believe that God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep as Christians.

Thank you, @garthfreeman for that insightful scripture!

May your father rest in peace with our Father in heaven. Truly Jesus is real, I don't know how many times He has rescued me from devilish entities manifesting themselves physically to impose their will and invoke fear and manipulate their sinister agendas. It is a beautiful blessing to have faith, as it is only by grace and gracious gifting that we who believe have such wisdom. May more and more believers come forth and accept the free gift of everlasting life. God bless you and your family, my deepest condolences and I'll shall pray for your healing to get through this tough time.

Thank you so much, @verbal-d. Very true and kind words, and I appreciate them, and you.

You are most welcome brother. Glad to provide some comfort

Sorry for your loss, @countryinspired. I hope you can take comfort in your memories of him over the years. And that you will help your sons know about him, too. I'm glad you have family to help you through this time, too.

Thank you so much, @haphazard-hstead! My Dad, had he ever joined Steemit, would really have enjoyed your blog. He was a gardener and homesteader his whole life.

Very sorry for your loss countryinspired. Loving fathers and mothers make this world a much better place.

Thank you so much for your condolences, @manorvillemike.

Amen! The great hope in Christ is eternal life. I know that my mom and dad are in heaven right now because they had accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. And someday when I leave this world I will meet them again. For a Christian, it is never goodbye only see you later.

Yes, exactly - it is a "see you later". But for those of us left behind on Earth, it is a painfully long time before we see them again. I like to think that 100 years on Earth seems like a couple of minutes to our loved ones in Heaven.

Yes, you're right that '100 years on Earth seems like a couple of minutes to our loved ones in Heaven'. That is what I too perceived in prayer and meditation. Also, it is comforting to know that, even though we cannot always see our loved ones who've crossed over, they can see us. Just thinking about them connects us to them. I know how painful it is when a parent dies so I wish you peace and comfort during this time.
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. -Psalm 34;18

You're so very welcome! It's one of my favorites too.

Wow, I just read that passage in Psalm 34 this morning. That is one of my favorite scriptures! Thank you :)

I am so sorry for your loss - what a beautiful testimonial. Good luck through this difficult time. I also find peace in the knowledge that my parents are making heaven an even better place :)

Thank you, @anneke. It sounds like we will have some wonderful company when we get there.

True that...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

What a glorious Day it will be when we are reunited with our loved ones.. difficult for those they leave behind but knowing it's only a temporary separation we don't grieve as those who don't know Jesus do.. death is just a change of body and location with no means to communicate with the other be comforted bro/sis praying for His peace in your family.

Thank you very much, @wilx. I appreciate the comforting words.

''Tis a sweet peace we have to know where our home is. I'm sorry for your loss brother. Lifting up your family in prayer.

Thank you, @lydon.sipe. I truly appreciate it.

Sorry for the loss of your father, it's tough losing a parent but at least you have the peace of your belief to help you move forward.

Thank you, @alienbutt.

Hello, friend @countryinspired,

I am very sorry to hear of your loss.



Thank you, @creatr.

Wow that is amazing. So wonderful that your dad got to experience God like that and have his life radically changed by Jesus. Thank you for sharing such a personal story.

I was reluctant at first to share such a tragic story. But then I thought it should be heard. It really helped reaffirm my faith, and I figured it could do the same for others. Thanks for your kind reply!

@countryinspired - I noticed that your presence on steemit was missing, never knew this was going thru ur life I am very sorry for your loss my friend... I am deeply saddened :(

Thank you, @rideofpassion.

I am sorry for your loss, but I am happy you are comforted by faith. My best friend recently almost died on the operating table, and she told me she felt Jesus hand on her back.

Jesus is always there for us during our darkest times. :)

Losing someone is so difficult and it sounds so cliche but this is really one of the hopes of our faith. You will see him again. Thanks for sharing. I'm sorry for your loss@countryinspired. P.S. He sure was a cute little boy, wasn't he?

Oh my gosh, he was an adorable little boy. Is it weird for a son to say that about his dad? I don't care, though - it's the truth. Thank you for your comforting words!

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