Theme: *Quest of a lifetime Pt 1- oh that I may know Him!*

in christianity •  7 years ago 

Text: Daniel 3:24-27.

The Hebrew guys didn't pray, yet they didn't burn in the fiery furnace. They didn't have the experience of the Holy Spirit like us today, yet they had a strong relationship with God. There was something they knew that didn't make the fire to burn them. What they voluntarily put on (their clothes) was not burnt, but what was forced on them (the ropes) were burnt. Today, we have more talking in church and less acting by the Holy Spirit.

there are certain experiences of God that we have not tasted, and that doesn't mean they are not normal or unattainable.

that the enemy is attacking you is not the problem, the fact that you are 'attack-able' is the problem. The enemy can't attack you unless your life is open to his attack (through sin)

We deal with faith, but the devil deals with facts and figures. Christians operates on faith. We believe, but Satan wants to see the evidence.

when we sin and didn't confess it, the sin remains with us. Sin is a property of the devil. - 1John 3:7-8. You can’t go through the territory of the devil with sin in your heart. We can't afford to die with Satan's property with us. That's why confession is important. We need to also ask that the Holy Spirit will search us to reveal every unconfessed sin so there will be nothing tainting our garment.

We can't have sin lurking in our hearts and claiming that by faith our sins are gone without confession and asking for the cleansing by the blood of Jesus. You may claim faith, but the devil claims fact because you have his property with you, and he will stand against you to claim his property in your possession.

  • if you don't uncover your sins, the blood will not cover it.

This is a critical matter of life and death, so we don't die only to discover that we have neglected the truth. So we won't say on that day that 'we cast out demons in your name..'

What does salvation truly means?

It means we were born in sin and shaped in iniquity, but Jesus came so we can be redeemed from the curse of the law and saved from condemnation before God and now we can stand against the devil and what he has created which is sin.

#Jesus died to save us from sin, not from the idea of sin, but from the commitment from sin.

anger is one of the most common 'diseases' we have. It's not a nature we should condone, it's a sin!

#Pride is another one. We have allowed our culture to strengthen the nature of pride in us. In African culture, it's considered inappropriate for elders to greet the younger ones first. But this culture has ingrained pride in us. What is wrong in you greeting your children first?

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