in christianity •  7 years ago 

Greetings from our Lord Jesus Christ to you


Am I Good, Truthful, Lovely, Loyal, Kind? Am I selfish, evil, betrayal, heart breaker, Untruthful? Am I what I do or things I have done right? Am I rich or poor? Am I my Achievement or crowd I control? Am I royal or slave? WHO AM I?

You are nothing than the choice you make in your social, moral, spiritual and sex life. Your choice in doing good or bad defines who you are and your position in the eyes of your maker. 

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Let’s be more practical here. If you choose to eat junk food everyday, you will automatically grow fat with big berry (junk body). If you choose to eat balance diet and exercise your body at least every 20 minutes dairy, you will automatically grow healthy with build muscles. What about starting your day with prayers everyday? You get the strength and the courage to face the day. Meditation and praying everyday grow you spiritually. You are the choice you make.

God your maker sees you through the heart not the things around you or your social status. 

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You may think that you are wealthy, popular, classy, from royal family so you are better person. But thus is not true, your maker does not judges/classify his creatures(human) according to their wealth, popularity, profession, social standard or family background. God the creator judges through the heart and choice of human. That is why the poor, lower class with no achievements may be better in the eyes of the creator than the wealthy, classy and popular person.

The greatest Story

What is the greatest story ever told?

It is the story of;

  • Truth versus Lies
  • Love versus Selfishness
  • Light versus Darkness
  • Good versus Evil
  • Micheal Versus Satan
  • Christ’s true Followers versus Satan’s Followers
  • Choice

Which side are you? Your choice in the above answer the question Whom Am I? The greatest story of truth versus lies, Light versus Darkness, Good versus Evil, Love versus Selfishness, Micheal versus Satan are the pillars of Christianity. 

I ask you once again, Who are you? What is your choice? the truth or lies?, good or evil? 

God Chosen One’s

God has always had faithful people who are loyal to him. He called them my special and peculiar people. God said to Israelite,  you are my special and peculiar people(Deuteronomy 14:2).  The sad part is that, always God special people are few. Are  you among the few chosen special children of the Most High God? 

Those who have chosen the path of righteousness, the truth, the light not the darkness. God called them my chosen one’s, my special people. Being special is very great Honor. How do you feel if you have Presidential protocol in your country? You will  feel very special. What about the creator of the universe calling you my special one? 

Reason’s that makes you very special person of God

  1. You have been Selected among the many (1Peter2:9-10). Not because God hate others, but because of God’s foreknowledge about you is everlasting love (1Peter 1:2). I was involve in car accident, all the passengers got injured, the driver died at that moment but nothing happens to me. Why because, i have been Selected by the Most High God, my grace and peace have been multiplied . Think of the worst in your  life where you have zero possibility of surviving but you have survived. Why? because you are have been sanctified by the blood of Jesus Christ; your grace and peace has been multiplied. Cast back to your childhood, things that has happened in your life, most of  your life mate have died and gone. Even your family background does not guarantee your life standard now but here you are. You are still surviving because you have been Selected from the many. You are special. Say to yourself; “I HAVE BEEN SELECTED BY THE MOST HIGH GOD, AM SPECIAL”
  2. You have been Chosen by the Most High God. As you make the choice to believe in Truth, to follow the Light then automatically, you have been Chosen and Sanctified by the Most High God (2 Thessalonians2:13). John 15:16, Jesus said; “I have chose you, you did not chose me”. As you have make your choice to follow Christ, you are the chosen and sanctified which means all your spiritual and karmic dept has been paid. You are free to enjoy everlasting life. 
  3. You are special because God Knows and Called you by name. In 1Corinthians 7:24 , who ever have been called by God abide with him. As you abide in truth as your choice in life. My brother and Sister, you have been called by the Most High God. God knows you by name. You are lucky and Special.
  4. You are Special because you are invited to the marriage Supper of the Lamb in Heaven (Revelation 19:9). 
  5. You have been Sanctified by the Most high God. There is Light around you. You are special.1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Being sanctify means, you have do away with all the works of darkness. You have been sanctify from stealing, fornication, idolatry and all kids of unrighteous deeds of man. You are special
  6. The Holy Spirit lives with you and direct your ways (Ephesians 1:13). 2 Corinthians 6:6, you lives with the Holy Spirit, you are the temple of God. You are special.

Special People like you live life to glorify God the Most High. Earth richness does not make one special, because you will die and leave them behind and never go with it. But when your soul is sanctified by the creator and called you my elect/chosen then you live for eternity. 1 John 3:1-3; God loves you so much (Jeremiah 31:3). You are son/daughter of God. Jesus Christ is your Elder brother, Master, King and Leader.  

Have you Chosen Jesus Christ as your personal savior? You are the Choice you make in Life.  

God help us to know whom we are, Help us to Love and Fear you. Help us to make Christ Jesus our Choice and abstain from sin. Sanctify those who have chosen to follow you and prepare us for the Heaven wedding banquet. This is my prayer in Christ our savior Amen.


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