Our genie, the holy spirit is pure, holy, faithful, meek, mighty, and all you need do is trust him and love him in a really special way, not the way you love your parents or lovers and so on but a love that you can’t get enough of, the I can’t breath without you kind of love
He takes care of hidden things but the revealed things he gives us to comprehend or understand he let’s us handle it, he doesn’t overpamper, he strengthens us, Deuteronomy 29:29 confirms this
Our genie teaches us the true way to love, the love of God as seen in Ephesians 5:1-2
And finally the holy spirit, my genie………reveals what and who we truly are to us as seen in John 1:13 Its really not so hard to receive the holy spirit, the apostles and disciples delayed in receiving because they didn’t realize it so to say and they sort of wanted a very dramatic something, I mean Jesus breathed in them in John 20:22, but they didn’t receive believe enough to harness the power until Acts 2…..it really doesn’t have to be dramatic……just call on Him with all your heart, he’s closer than you think and he’s readily available for all who want him…..He is gentle and wouldn’t need you to start gesticulating for you to know that he’s with you and in you…..He is peaceful and wonderful
I pray that as we open our minds and hearts to him, he’ll come into our lives and settle and begin to oversee every single affair of our lives in Jesus name. Amen
#thinkingoutloud……Holy spirit, my Genie……