Don't Push the Blame (Become Responsible)

in christianity •  7 years ago 

Hello steemians, today I get to be your Pastor...... Lol.....not in real life though, but here on steemit, I will endeavor to write at least one post about Christ every week. It's mostly going to be on Sundays. But pardon me today. Well today we going to be talking about "don't push the blame" We would be reading from the book of Genesis 3:10-20 let someone grab a bible.

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In this world, there are a lot of people who like to push blames to others, infact we can categorize the whole world into two: there are the blame pushers and the responsibility takers. A blame pusher is someone who tries, sometimes compulsively to scapegoat others with their problems. If you look through the Bible, you will discover that blame pushers don't usually end well. When you look at Genesis 3 it was Adam's reply to a question that was poise to him by God. Firstly I think Adam has issues with giving rigjt answers. When God asked "Where are you?" He replied "I heard your voice, I was afraid, because I was naked and I hid myself." Now I'm like who asked you all that? Then God asked again "who told you that you are naked? Have you eaten from the tree I asked you not to eat?" Again Adam answered wrongly, but this tike he pissed God off, because instead of owning up to what he has done, he decided to blame the woman, and also blame God because he said "the WOMAN whom you(GOD) gave me." Guess we all know how that ended. Saul also pushed blames, God gave an instruction to destroy the people of Amalekand all of their properties, living and non-living. But on getting to Amalek, Saul spared their King and the best of their properties and when the Prophet asked him about it he blamed the people. Well he lost the throne after that.

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A person pushes blames, because they want to avoid punishment, but they end up with even greater punishment. Another reason why a person would push blames, is to make others look bad while making themselves look good. But in the long run, they end up destroying their relationship with the other parties involved. Blame pushers take credit for the good things and push the blame for the bad things. When you are given a responsibility, if by any means there's a short coming, you must take responsibility for it, as you are accountable for it. Blame pushers don't go far in life, because God cannot trust them with sensitive assignments.

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Learn to take responsibility for all of your success and shortcomings too. Stay blessed till I come you way again, I remain @lord-el the one still restituting for his past deeds.


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