What John Saw

in christianity •  4 years ago  (edited)

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Revelation 21:2 (KJV)
And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

“And I John Saw”

Avoid the temptation to view John’s circumstances as unique to himself. John’s testimony and experience was personal and his own, but so is yours and so is mine. I have seen, and heard, and felt, and been moved by God in my own life as much as John was. If you are a Christian, so have you.

Avoid speaking of your faith in an impersonal way. Christianity is intensely personal, intimate. It may seem unscientific to address it in those terms. Those are the very terms most likely to convince those who know not Jesus.
When I was in Bible College, I was urged to avoid those words we use in church and that are common among Christians:

I declare just the opposite to be the case. Demonstrate you are a new creature if it is true of you. You have a new language, a new standard, a new dress, and a new direction if you have a new life.

Make the communication of your faith personal and it will be much more effectual.

To my readers:
First of all, thank you! It is a great joy to me to know you read the thoughts and lessons God has given me in His word.
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Revelation 21:2 (KJV) What John Saw

Photos from pexels.com
Marvin Feb 5 2019 HBBC cropped.jpg

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