What is "traditional marriage"? Uh, it's not what you may be thinking.

in christianity •  7 years ago 

"Traditional Marriage." We've heard the phrase touted many a-time to hammer in the notion of a Biblical Marriage; i.e. one man and one woman. You know, this:

image from dietrichlockard.com

But is that accurate, given the nature of slavery and concubinage as portrayed in the Bible?


Oh, and what about the Book of Ruth? The Book of Ruth, where the word used to describe how Ruth felt about Naomi was the same used for how Adam felt about Eve; they clung [dubaq] to each other. From this article comes this quote:

“The Holy Spirit answers that question definitively in Ruth 1:14. There the Scriptures say — without apology, embarrassment, or qualification — that Ruth felt the same way toward Naomi as spouses are supposed to feel toward each other. Far from being condemned, Ruth’s feelings are celebrated.”

But the really good stuff is in Ruth 1:16:

16But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you; for where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God. 17“Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. Thus may the LORD do to me, and worse, if anything but death parts you and me."

So, tell me... was same sex partnership frowned upon? Or is it just girl-on-girl action is approved because they considered women to be more property than person? Or is it okay because Ruth marries a dude in the end? In addition, aren't women eternally punished with birthing pains due to the sins of Eve? Because that notion makes as much sense as you or me being responsible for the shortcomings of our ancestors a dozen generations back, which is to say it doesn't make much sense at all. Especially when the whole Jesus narrative is about forgiveness.

Sorry. Dogma. Drives me nuts.

Guess I can sum it up as this: if you're going to quote Leviticus about men laying with men, then please follow the rest of the rules laid down: no shellfish, pork, or leather belt with any other fabric pants. Because when people cherry pick Bible passages to condemn others, yet ignore the rest of the Bible book full of rules, it seems as though those people are more concerned about things that don't directly involve them rather than actually follow the set of rules laid forth, of what they pillaged.

If two adults truly love each other, shouldn't that be celebrated? Doesn't Jesus say "Love thy Neighbor," and didn't tack on "if you think they're worthy"? I wish those who cite Leviticus would cite Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes with the same vigor. And for those who focus on the Love aspect of the Bible and Jesus in particular, thank you.

The world needs more love.

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