A Small Paranoid Post

in christianity •  7 years ago  (edited)

I do not often put on my tin foil hat, but I was watching YouTube and saw this ad and had to post it. They just rolled out the chip card readers, what? Less than 5 years ago?

Oct. 1, 2015 was the deadline date for all cards to have a chip and it took a little while past that for it to really happen. Now the reason for the chip card was that it was more secure, but there are those, myself included, that think it was just another step towards a cashless society, and that the powers that be want us to get used to RFID chip technology.

The Next Step.

Now they are advertising that the chip reader (That just came out) is too slow and awkward. Why bot get rid of it altogether? Just use your phone!

As a Christian, I see the slippery slope this leads down. Get rid of cash, pretty much done. Next get rid of the cards, working on it. Finally, just implant everyone with a microchip.

One world financial control, just like the Bible said would happen.

Just a thought.

In Judaism every word had a numerical value. It was called Gematria and it was a common part of Jewish mysticism. For example if your name had the same value as say, a chair, you were said to have characteristics with a chair. I know it is a simplistic example but it works to get the point across. Now in Revelation 13.16 through 18 the Bible says.

"16. And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17. so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark — the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18. Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is six hundred sixty-six.…"

This is the "Mark of the beast" and it is now commonly thought to be a microchip. Here is where it gets a little hinky though...

If you look at English and use Gematria, then A=1, B=2 etc.
So and RFID microchip would have the following values.
R=18... F=6.... I=9... D=4


So then, if you take the common denominator of the first three letters (3) and multiply it by the common denominator of the last letter (4) three times, you get...
2x3...2x3...2x3....or 666

Don't believe me? Here is an article from USA Today with the headline "You will get chipped eventually" click --HERE-- to read it.

If you have not accepted Jesus, you might want to think about it...

Just a thought


Source: 1 Image: 1

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today post is very beautiful

You cauldn't have put it better. Those who except the mark of the beast will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Pray that people seek the Lord and follow Him in truth. Jesus is the truth the way and the life only through Him and with His mark on our lives can we see Him and the Kingdom of Heaven.


It's quite clear this is the path they are trying to force upon us.

They are sick sick people, and I'm surprised any higher power allows them to operate as they do.

Down with it all.

The USD will collapse, lose its' reserve status eventually. They are trying to stave it off, but China will get the final say.

P.S. China owns California (most of it) and various other land in the US as exchange for the debt purchases on the USD.

China merely needs now to cease all transactions in USD for products.
Hard to see this happening, but if they know what's good for them and the rest of the plane, they will.

Yeah I know this wont make any friends but I am betting that crypto has something to do with the whole thing.... As far as God letting it happen... it is his plan. He told us all about it thousands of years ago. That is what blows my mind when the satanists think they will somehow win, the only reason they know the plan is cause God told em!

I just joined Steemit and did my first #introduceyourself post today.

As I looked for good Christian content here I found your post. I don't think this is a conspiracy, it's all coming to past. And I know, you know it. :)

Thank you and God Bless!

Thank you for the encouragement brother! May we meet in Heaven!

We are living in the end-times, cashless society. Soon we will no longer need the cards as well. I just wonder, just like how important debit/credit cards are, does microchip cards implanted beneath your skin mean that you are selling your soul to the devil? What are your thoughts @nobutsd?

You see, I am a Christian, too. There are still lots of things to learn. But I believe, having accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour, and knowing that Jesus died for my sins, and He has redeemed me, I am saved. I have security knowing that I am His daughter and that I am loved by my Father in Heaven.

The bible is pretty clear that it is a mark "IN" the right hand or forehead. You will know when you shouldn't go any farther...God is not going to leave you to wonder. In my opinion though, the "Rapture" the way it is taught is wrong and we will all have to live through the tribulation. Be prepared to refuse.