Just An Update Posts

in christianity •  7 years ago 

I know that most of my followers look forward to my awesomely well written posts about my life, recovery, and various other topics, however, from time to time I feel the need to just write about what is going on in my life so you guys can be up.to date.

This is one of those posts.


So what's going on with me?

Well for most of you, you know that I gave my six weeks notice at my job. I am the Resident Manager at a Christian Transitional Housing program and over the last 4 months or so I have come to realize that I am under way too much stress with the job and school. This is not to say that I can't work and go to school, just that I can't do this job and go to school. It takes way too much time and energy, and it is causing me to be unhappy all of the time.

This is not what I got sober for. I got sober to live.

Now what?

I have begun to look for a place to live and I will tell you what, it is not easy! I started on Craigslist looking for apartments I can afford and I will tell you there aren't many out there. So now I am looking at houses on Land Contract as I have worked diligently towards improving my credit over the last couple of years. This is actually looking better than just renting an apartment, but we will see.

Praying for the future.

I would be lying if I said that I was not nervous about what the future holds for me. I have been sober for 2 years and all of that time I have lived in the Endeavor House, either as a resident or as the Resident Manager. It is time for me to get my wings and fly, see what the world has in store for me!

Please pray for me

If you have enjoyed this post and would like to read more about a hard-core drug addict that has been redeemed by Jesus, please follow and support me. Also, we have succeeded in creating a chat room on Discord for Recovery and Addiction issues! Please go --HERE-- to join and be a part of our online support network.

My Bosses have given me permission to mention the name of our Ministry in my blogs. I work at Endeavor House Ministries Inc. in Lansing, Michigan. If you look us up you can see us on Facebook, and at https://endeavorhouseministries.com You can donate to the Ministry through PayPal if you want to.

Thank you and God Bless!

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Everyone with his or her own Predicaments
We all look up to God with the hope that he'll come to our aid.
God bless you too bruh @nobutsd

Thank you!

you can do this.
roommate? (not me, but someone...?)
God's got a place for you. Keep the faith.

Yeah I actually talked to Chris G. about it.

It sounds like you've come so far! That's amazing!

I hope you find an amazing living situation that will help you to continue to grow and blossom in the Lord. Also, renting might not sound like you are getting "ahead", but remember that what looks like "ahead" to the Lord often looks opposite from the world. And that making a financial commitment to ownership and chasing after credit scores can turn out to be a trap...where you spend so much time working to pay for the loans. I highly recommend living debt free!

I wish you the best, and I'll be praying for you!!

Thank you!

I'm glad you are a Christian. Difficult times and situation calls for exercise of our faith in God. Remember his Assurance for us, he said the thought he has towards us is of good and not of evil to give us an expected end. I will remember you in my prayers.

Amen and thank you!

Great ur post so good luck @nobutsd👍

Thank you!