Daily Steemit Motivation
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There are basically two categories of people on earth: the players who play to win or lose and the spectators who watch to cheer or boo.
One day as I listened to fans shouting on themselves about whom the hit players are, this thought dropped on my mind: there as basically two categories of people on earth - the players who play to win or lose and the spectators who watch to cheer or boo.
See what happens: players are in the field, fans are outside the field.
Players perform, fans watch; players sweat it out, fans laugh it off.
Players get the pay, fans discuss the pay.
Players are noticed, celebrated and remembered long after the game, but fans are unnoticed, uncelebrated and long forgotten even before the game is over.
Sad to say, a great number of people can only be known to have passed through this earth only by reason of their grave. They never lived but existed. They're like an organization's billboard. It bears the name of the organization, but knows naught of the organization.
They're but matter - just occupying some space.
But you, dear, this is not the reason you still have breathe in your nostrils. Everything in life is meant to solve some problems of some sort; meet a need of some sort.
An employee who knew not why he is in an organization will doubtless constitute a nuisance to the organization.
Author Myles Munroe reminds that
"you were born to do something in life that leaves nutrients for the seed of the next generation to take root in and grow."
Often the people who are the loneliest, most bored, and conquered by self-pity are those who haven't yet found a purpose to live for.
Speaker John L. Mason concurs:
"your words, the tone of your voice, your dress, and your very motions change and improve when you begin to love for a reason"
I believe that deep within every offspring of Adam is an inner longing to live a life of greatness and contribution; to really matter, to really male a difference.
So how can you give this inner longing an outer expression?
The answer may be in the words of Ben Stein:
"The indispensable first step to getting things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want. The average person wants something and knows he wants something."
Too often people want to contribute, but don't know what to contribute. People want to be great, people want to be relevant, they want to make a difference, and really matter.
But what is it that you want to be great in, or what is it you want to contribute to the society?
Have you decided on what you want to be known for?
Again Grenville Kleiser admonishes:
"aim at definite results. Know precisely what you want and work directly for it. Have fixed plans, and make every moment count towards their fulfillment. Decide everything carefully and then push ahead with determination."
A discovery of your purpose is what will make you stand out in the midst of over seven billion people inhabiting planet earth. Deciding on what you want out of life is what will give you a voice in the world of achievers - don't just occupy space!
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