in christianity •  7 years ago 

Proverbs 18:23
The poor useth intreaties; but the rich answereth roughly.

Every man is born into the world very similar to a wild ass’s colt (Job 11:12), but after a few accomplishments he thinks he can talk harshly to others. The poor learn to talk softly and humbly request, while the rich arrogantly speak against them with hardness. The proverb is true of natural men, but it should not describe the conduct of spiritual men.

Financial advantage or disadvantage quickly affects men’s lives. The rich are conceited, have many friends, and rule over the poor (Pr 14:20; 22:7; 28:11). They grow up thinking the world dances to their tune. They think themselves independent of God and man, so they speak condescendingly to those with less. Joseph spoke harshly to his brethren to hide his gentle soul (Gen 42:7); Nabal did the same to reveal a vile heart (I Sam 25:5-11).

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