AB-SO-LUTE-LY!!! Lately, I have been hearing agnostics deny hell is an eternal place; while simultaneously joying in the benefits of going to heaven everlasting when they die. I am certainly no judge of who goes where at the end of this physical journey; but, I certainly know that it will be north or south of planet Earth, figuratively speaking (Matthew 13:42).
To say I don’t believe in a real Hell, is to deny satan is a real entity with millions of dark angels and human entities doing his bidding on a grand scale. To say I don’t believe in Hell is to say God is a liar. To say I don’t believe in Hell is to say the Bible is untrue.
So, if you say you are a Christian, and you say you believe the Word of God (Bible); then you, too must believe that Hell is a real place. It is pure spiritual delusion to believe you can wear a Christian ‘hat’ while doing everything that mocks God’s Word (1 Corinthians 6:9). Never listen to any anti-Christ who tells you hell is not a real place for those who choose the path of damnation.
Our saving grace is not only confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (John 3:16); but, also, choosing to live a life which brings glory to Father God in Heaven. Be ye forewarned beloved: You simply cannot do one without the other.
Peace and love.