Can a Christian Defend the Blockchain?steemCreated with Sketch.

in christianity •  7 years ago  (edited)

I originally wrote this article for the cryptocurrency community, but I would be remiss not to share it with more spiritually- and liberty-oriented people as well. The Bible tells us to "obey the governing authorities, for all authority is from God and the powers that be are appointed by God." But the Bible also shows over and over again that we are held accountable for the actions of our government and entire nations have been punished for the actions of their leaders. Thus, we should do everything we can to root out corruption and abuse of power, praying that we can live quiet lives without their interference.

"Yet we urge you, brothers and sisters, to do so more and more, and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody."

Sometimes the combination of these Biblical instructions requires us to take peaceful action to reform our government before it grows too powerful and evil to resist.

"Who is like the Beast? Who can make war against it?" - Revelation 13:4

For we know that there will come a day when the governments of the world will so constrain our freedoms that no one will be able to buy or sell without the mark of that Beast.

And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark — the name of the beast or the number of its name. - Revelation 13:17

This is an existential threat to Christians, who are forbidden from taking that mark. This is one case where we simply cannot obey the governing authorities.

Cryptocurrencies are a two edged sword. Used exclusively by a global government, they could very well lead to the very mark of the beast system the Bible warns us about. However, if it is kept free of such control, and decentralized into many alternatives, it could be the escape route we have been warned to seek. "Come out of her my people, lest you take part in her sins."

So, for these reasons, I ask Christians to consider joining our efforts to resist government efforts to take over the blockchain - especially digital currencies - and deny us this long term route to freedom. Today our brothers and sisters are risking their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to defend those very freedoms. Innocent people are being ruthlessly punished for peaceful activities like writing software to defend their rights to honest money and a level playing field.

Won't you join our efforts at Defend The Blockchain .com?

Here's an article I just published that describes the same thing from a libertarian point of view, the way our American Founding Fathers would have looked at it today.

"We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights... and governments are instituted among men only to secure these rights!"

Have a look and see if you can be a Patriot and a Christian at the same time.

"Defending against all enemies, foreign and domestic."

"Until poker chips and monopoly money are securities, the statement that "all tokens are securities" has no intellectually honest leg to stand on." -- Stan Larimer

Letter from Stan

Greetings Fellow Innovators,

It is my opinion that state and federal authorities don’t understand us. Instead of appreciating our entrepreneurial efforts and contributions to society, they fear us because of the bad acts of a few outsiders and the revolutionary nature of our innovations.

As you know, in recent days many investigations have been launched and cases filed against some in the community. We do not believe that regulators are attacking the industry out of malice, but from a lack of understanding. I believe it is important that we invest in defending ourselves competently against investigations and cases that are not well founded and that may set a far reaching precedent that could affect negatively the industry as a whole.

Further, reform is needed in how regulators treat members of our industry who have the fundamental right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. We have created a New Bill of Rights to help explain the revered original document to modern day authorities that may have forgotten their oaths to support and defend the Constitution.

I have established a legal defense trust for our community. It has been created with the intent of defending the blockchain community as a whole (not just BitShares) from cases brought from misunderstandings by regulators. These regulators often lack the comprehension of the technology (and noble philosophical underpinnings) of the industry. Unfortunately, that lack of understanding could have vast unintended consequences.

More importantly, the Trust will lobby for fundamental reforms in how our regulatory agencies do business with an eye to restoring respect for our constitutionally guaranteed human rights.

As the Community Defense Trust grows, we hope to come to the aide of many who are victims of unrestrained government power. However the Trust is not limited to defending against unfair government practices and violations of individual rights. We are equally concerned about defending the community against private individuals who seek to get others in trouble with the authorities by spreading malicious defamation and bogus charges against them. Thus, the Trust is chartered to deter such behavior by taking legal action in especially egregious cases, such as the Bitcoin Latina Scandal, where bad behavior on the part of its founder is an obvious case that could require legitimate government intervention.

But the current main objective of this fund is to support the defense of Jared Rice in the case filed by the SEC ( SEC vs Arise Bank, Jared Rice Sr., and Stanley Ford, 3-18 CV-186-M) in Dallas, Texas. Jared Rice is principally a programmer and coder, who is facing questionable charges of conducting a fraudulent unregistered offering. In this potential Trial of the Century much more is at stake than Jared's freedom. It is imperative that Jared Rice have available to him the services of lawyers who specialize in defending individuals against the SEC for the sake of the legal precedents that may be established if it all goes horribly wrong.

To date the Trust has raised and provided over $200K to partially cover the services of Edward T. M. Garland of the Garland, Samuel & Loeb Law Firm. But much more help is needed. If Jared cannot present his case in a way that the SEC understands, he may face severe penalties and be prevented from participating in the future in any blockchain business. THIS IS A THREAT TO ALL OF US. To that end, I seek your help and ask for your donations to pay for hiring such SEC specialists and mounting a vigorous defense of our industry.

Remember, if it can happen to anybody, it can happen to you!


Stanley J. Larimer, Trustee
BitShares Community Defense Trust

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The Bible said let your light so shine that men may see it. So we need to battle more in keep on the chains. The Blockchain is a way out of freedom because it has really helped a lot on many ways in putting food on the table. Like myself as a student even though the value is down its still trying to help me with textbook and also the Food and it has also make me change lives.
Nice article there @stan

The bible tells us to bring things into the light, bring transparancy and be truthful.

That's basically blockchain.

Excellent point!

great point fitz!

Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart.

Right! The Bible does say that and Blockchain does EXACTLY THAT :) I am a Christian and I am ALL FOR BLOCKCHAIN!

I think one of the key issues at stake dwells upon the concept of hope. Where does our hope reside? If, as a Christian, hope resides in the free market system, inevitably, it will fail. All systems fail. All systems, apart from the kingdom of Heaven (which truthfully is more akin to reality than any type or sort of system) will fail. The end game isn't as much about the apocalypse, as it is about the second coming of Christ. This is where our hope, where our vision, needs to be founded upon.

Saying this, I am constantly torn between being a "watchman" and working "simply and quietly", living as an example through action, as Paul puts it. I think different people are called in different ways in regards to the gospel.

Augustine said that whenever there seems to be a contradiction in the Bible, if one takes care to truly search through both passages, deeper revelation will be shown to them. I'm still searching, asking God who I am in relation to this world I live in. Am I to speak out? Or am I to live quietly, exemplifying Christ, through the Holy Spirit that lives in me, living day to day? Is it supposed to be both?

Saying this, I'm not really worried about crypto currency being the devil's handiwork. A single currency will undoubtedly arise. All it takes is one huge world market crash and bam...there it is. But as I said, that which our focus is settled upon dictates how we live and act. I'm currently choosing to look at those I can impact around me. Perhaps this is simply a specific season of life I'm living through. Also, the Bible blatantly explains that we will be held accountable for the things we accept, thinking they aren't that bad.

Your article certainly made me a little more aware of this issue, of what it is that I'm not only accepting, but investing into. Thank you. I so look forward to more posts from you.

I wrestle with all the same issues and have reached similar conclusions.

Wow.... I never knew this was going on. This is am emergency. A kingdom that is divided against itself surely can never stand.
First, I'd like to say you're doing a wonderful job.
How could I possibly make a donation?

Getting the word out to more people is the first step

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Visit to donate. Thanks!

Thank you for the post and very creative way to explain the position. No matter what one's belief system, political or religious, the question is one of tryanny versus slavery, bondage versus is one of humanity and love.

Love, compassion, freedom, and genuine concern for our fellow many are above any ideology...this is basic to our make up as humans. It is the essence of us. Yet it is something that the elitists in the world have pushed aside. Instead, this evil force has brainwashed mankind into looking outside oneself for what ails him or her inside....

Feel bad...take a pill...
Feel bad...get rid of your wife for someone younger and better looking
Feel bad...go shopping
Feel bad....get online and troll someone call him all kinds of names.

All these have consequences....enriching the captors.

Blockchain is a path to least in part. If we can break the scarcity chains of our captors and create abundance, then people can spend the time looking within oneself at the deeper, more important questions. That is not usually possible when people are working to death simply to put food on the table (and much of the world isnt even doing that).

Thank you for your deeper approach to what is taking place...this is not simply about a network of public ledgers with a encrypted currency tied to it.

It really is the start of a much bigger battle with those entities that seek to keep us in chains. (ha ha blockCHAIN is the way out of our chains).

In every situation, we should ensure to be the light of world. In the light of the situation, Christians should join the struggle because they're light of the world.

Ok. Is this a later day try at an April Fools joke?

Nope. Looks legit.

Very legit @konelectric. The post looks so nice and also very educative

Short answer: No.

The chain is agnostic to:

-and beliefs

Introducing slave morality is a dead end and only works to pitch some product in parishes. John st gotts is a perfect example. His parish says hallelujah every time he has a keyboard nearby. It's quite impressive but considering these empty souls chant along all day, leaves me to believe agnosticism serves better for transparency, equality and accountability. Learn from John st Gotts: effective at spreading his pseudotechnological gospel, obtain full control over all funds (including yours) and play god among the believers.

The answer is again: No.

Crypto means hidden in Greek.
Bitcoin has no value except perceived value. Just like our worthless cash. You have no access to your coins except via system trading. I see no value in crypto currency and so it has none. As long as people “believe” the currency has value it will float. Bitcoin was started by drug cartels etc
You have no access to your perceived money well, until we “fix” that by providing you with a chip that easily slides into your head or hand. Now, you have your perceived valued yet worthless money. And, you can keep it

@stan Why not make BitShares (BTS) as legal tender ?!

There are very specific requirements for legal tender under US and Utah law. One is stability, and we want BTS to grow without bounds.

Stan, I too am a Christian and I think the block chain has many positive attributes. Bitcoin has honesty and transparency. This is not easy to accomplish. Corruption is everywhere in the world, and stopping it has been an epic plague across nations. I think that most of the nation states of Africa, would be much richer, if they stamped out corruption. The corruption stops economic progress. When countries are honest they move forward. This normally happens when a large percentage of the population becomes Christians, but it can happen without that in some cases. (like Japan). Stamping out corruption is really difficult, but shining light onto the problem is the first step. The Freedom of Information Act was another example of how openness worked to improve government. Bitcoin, and Blockchain support this openness and the honesty. I think they are good. In America, we have a "good" government. Not perfect -but far better than most- the beauty of blockchain is it works around the world. It is an export to the world. I believe blockchain can free capitalism from governments meddling fingers, this is far more important to those who are far more oppressed. I also think the inflationary Fiat Monetary policies have been oppressing widows and orphans. Bitcoin and blockchain finally offer up a solution to out of control government printing presses.

It is a never ending arms race between good and evil, but I read the back of the Book and... we win!

The follow represents my opinion. From a Christian and a Bitshares perspective I am embarrassed by the Arise situation.

This is not the first time someone in a community has done something embarrassing or foolish, and it won’t be the last. I once had a friend, and a church member who was a drunk. As an alcoholic, got drunk, ran from police, he did foolish things, he lost his license, job, spent time in jail and had to go in front of a judge multiple times. As Christians several of us were there. In the courtroom, there was an understanding of yes, he did it. Yes, he is foolish. Yes, we knew punishment is in order. We wanted to help the guy get his life back in order. The judge sent him to several treatment programs. He was sorry, he confessed publically in the church and we as a community did the best we could for him. Unfortunately, as a drunk, well it was rough. Frankly, History repeated itself.

When I started looking into arise, I noticed certain red flags. It seemed to me that certain claims that were made were untrue. It appeared to me that Arise was lying. According to what I understand the investigators have uncovered, further evidence supports that claims were untrue. I am glad the investigators shut down what I think was a scam early and I am glad Jared will have a day in court to explain everything. I do not know all the facts of the case, but I do not need too. However, I do not see an attack on Jared as an attack on Crypto or an attack on the church. Jared, made his bed, now he needs to lie in it.

Unfortunately, embarrassing things happen. We all have relatives. This is life. Stuff Happens. You all don’t need me to explain that. I also want to acknowledge there are complex things at work in various cases that may well be far more than I comprehend.

It is true, there are way too many scams in crypto. We also know that the people who built the transcontinental railroad were not exactly good characters. Indians were shot, civil war veterans dealt with emotional trauma and Congress was bribed. Out of it all, a huge progress was made. I think the same is happening with crypto. But having some of the craziest roughest characters in it, we build a hack proof secure infrastructure. Once the railroad was built honest folks were able to come out west and the west was won. The frontier was settled. Today, in crypto we are building the tools future generations will use. It is not all good characters or people to be proud of, but there is something great happening.

My opinion on arise, ultimately does not matter, each of us needs to answer to Christ and to God for what we have done. I as a Christian am embarrassed by Arise. This is why I have said little. As a Crypto community members and as Christians we have responsibilities to speak up. This is what openness is all about. Let each person research and come to the conclusions as they see fit.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The embarrassing thing about Arise is that Jared was innocent of all serious charges and the BitShares community (a vocal few) railroaded him into getting unnecessarily taken down by false charges. All of his supporters and investors were greviously harmed in the name of protecting them from a threat that didn't exist.

This is why Christians art taught "Judge not, that you be not judged." ... for the metrics you apply to others will be applied to you.

Jared will emerge from this as an extremely popular developer and folk hero. Too bad no one will remember those who unfairly crucified him.

I just listened to your "things we know that just ain't so part 3", and I'm replying here because otherwise the reply will go to BluerockTalk instead of you. Anyway, thank you so much for taking the time and energy to do this series. I heard the truth in your words, it was refreshing after so many Sundays of drought in various churches, where it seems that my soul just withers. I'm not trying to build you up, I just want you to know that I appreciate what you do.
I have struggled all my life in understanding this faith, do I have it, or don't I, being confused by many different errors and disputable matters. At least I understand that now.
With respect, Mik