in christianity •  2 months ago 


"AND DO NOT GRIEVE THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption."
Ephesians 4:30 (NKJV)

Comment: Believers are sealed with the Holy Spirit of God for the Day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30). The admonition is, do not grieve the Holy Spirit. In other words, a believer who has the Holy Spirit residing on the inside of him or her can grieve or make angry the Holy Spirit.
How could this happen?
a. When a believer is carefree, rebellious and indifferent to the prompts and leadings of the Holy Spirit. When you do this you silence Him in your life.
b. When you feed your mind with dirty things, your mind and the flesh are empowered to subdue or mortify or rule over your recreated human spirit. When It happened thus, that is, your spirit, inward Man, is stifled or silenced; then the Holy Spirit on the inside of your spirit is silenced or muted and be made inactive or inoperative.
Whatever massage that would be received from God through the Holy Spirit can only be relayed through your recreated human spirit. And when your spirit is muted or silenced by the activation of your mind and flesh; you have already grieved or silenced the Holy Spirit in the matters of your life.
c. You can also silence or grieve the Holy Spirit by being obnoxious in your words: "LET ALL BITTERNESS, WRATH, ANGER, CLAMOUR [loud quarrelling], AND EVIL SPEAKING BE PUT AWAY FROM YOU, WITH ALL MALICE" (Ephesians 4:31 NKJV).

Things mentioned above are some of the basic things that can make a believer grieve the Holy Spirit.
The writer, Apostle Paul, was speaking in the same zest; It was still about the grieving of the Holy Spirit which he was talking about in the preceding verse, 30. a. Let go of whoever offended you.
b. Let God defend you, that is, allow or give place to God's wrath (Romans 12:19).
In rounding off on the point; believers are admonished: "AND BE KIND TO ONE ANOTHER, TENDERHEARTED, FORGIVING ONE ANOTHER, EVEN AS GOD IN CHRIST FORGAVE YOU" (Ephesians 4:32 NKJV).
Things mentioned in this verse 32 are the offshoots or byproducts of love which already had been poured-out in a believer's Heart (Romans 5:5). All you need is to allow the love of God on the inside of you to find expression;
a. through how you relate with others. b. Also through how you treat your fellow believers and others—the outsiders or nonbelievers.
If you are forgiven by God, then, you should endeavour to forgive others (Matthew 18:35).

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