in christianity •  20 hours ago 


"THEN JOSHUA SAID TO ACHAN, My son, give glory to the LORDS, the God Israel, by telling truth. Make your confession and tell me what you have done. DON'T HIDE IT FROM ME.”
Joshua 7: 19 (NLT)

• Joshua did not know Achan had taken some forbidden things; things set apart for God which He had told them not to take for themselves (Joshua 7:13).

  • If you have someone with any forbidden thing, with you, in your camp; you might suffer an attack and a defeat from the enemy—the devil.
  • Sin of one person could bring a problem on the whole assembly or congregation of the people of God, or the whole family, or a community of people (Joshua 7:10-11).

• Pray for people in your camp.

  • Pray and teach the people in your family, those who are around you, about godly principles which should not be violated; and the implications of being involved in any Sin. Not only on the person who did the wrong but the entire assembly or congregation.
  • If you failed to pray and teach the people around you about godly principles, it may bring a curse on the whole family, congregation, or the entire community.
  • God would not want us to keep someone who is under His wrath in our camp—family, business, or congregation.
  • If someone with a curse is found in your camp; family, congregation, or whatever, you may partake in the punishment of such a person (Joshua 7: 10-12).
  • The problem of Achan, the Sin committed by Achan, brought disasters on the whole nation of Israel (Joshua 7:5).
  • If you had a wrong person with you in the boat of your life—your home, business, or ministry—you might be exposed to challenges and setbacks; attacks of the enemy, the devil, because of the person's presence with you.
  • Jonah's disobedience, attempting to evade God's instructions or commands, affected the innocent people who were in the same boat with him (Jonah 1:2-15).
    THEY lost their belongings before they discovered, before they got to know, through the casting of lots that the presence of Jonah with them in the boat caused the turmoils they had on the Sea (Jonah 1:5).
  • If you had a wrong person in the boat of your life, you might not experience any progress as long as the person remains with you. Until Jonah was cast into the Sea, the people in the boat had no peace (Jonah 1:15).
  • Thus, whoever God does not want you to keep with you; in your home, business or ministry, which you kept; the presence of such would bring calamity. The presence of such a person in your life would be a great regret.
  • To avoid plagues from God; teach those who are working or staying with you about the ways of God. God's wrath is on anyone that is keeping any accursed thing, with him or her.


  • Do not take or use whatever belongs to God. Do not steal the church money or take that which belongs to God—whatever is dedicated to God—for your own personal use (Daniel 5:1-7,23).
  • God is not happy with the disobedient children. Check your life, home, if there is any forbidden thing there (Acts 19:19).
  • If you had any property of the devil in your custody, and you claimed to be a born-again believer; you are under a curse.

• Let your heaven stay opened. Keeping any accursed thing in your home brings a curse on you, and shuts your heaven.

  • Do not allow your blessings to be polluted by associating with an evil person. When you keep a wicked person with you, as a believer, your heaven would stay shut.
  • Do not bring someone who is under the wrath of God into your home, business, or whatever; it would lead to afflictions. The presence of the likes of Achan in your home would make things difficult for you (Joshua 7:13).
  • If you are experiencing difficulties presently, and you have just brought someone into your home; It could be you have had someone with an accursed thing in your camp—endeavour to find out. And, until you fish out the Achan, God's favour might not be experienced again.
  • God said the Israelites would never defeat their enemies until they have removed the accused things (Joshua 7:13).
  • If God is against someone, do not support the person. If you wanted to play god in people's lives, you may crash, If at all you did not lose your life.
  • You cannot help the person God is fighting. You do not give or breathe life to what God is killing!

• Hearing from God.

  • Before you employ whoever you wanted to employ, as a household staff or whatever, ask from God.
  • Introducing or bringing Joseph into Potiphar's house was a blessing to Potiphar (Genesis 39:5,6); likewise, Jacob's coming to Laban's family and business, It was a great blessing to Laban (Genesis 30:27-30).
  • Before you bring someone to your house to live with you, ask from God. Some people's coming into your life could be a problem, thus, you have to be circumspect and be watchful; before taking someone in to be or live with you.
  • Before you get committed, or give your word, in helping someone, ask from God. Helping someone who is under God's wrath would bring a trouble into your life—home, business, or whatever.

• You will not fail in Jesus' name.

  • Should there be any ailment in your body, receive your healing now in Jesus' mighty name.
  • Hold of sicknesses in your life is broken and never to rise again in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

• Take notice of this:
IF you are yet to take the step of salvation, that is, yet to be born-again, do it now, tomorrow might be too late (2 Corinthians 6:1,2; Hebrews 3:7,8,15).
a. Acknowledge that you are a sinner and confess your Sins (1 John 1:9); And ask Jesus Christ to come into your life (Revelation 3:20).
b. Confess that you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that you confess it with your mouth, Thus, you accept Him As your Lord and Saviour (Romans 10:9,10).
c. Ask that He will write your name in the Book of Life (Philippians 4:3; Revelation 3:8).

  • If you took the steps As highlighted above, It means you are saved—born-again. Join a Word based church in your area and Town or city, and be part of whatever they are doing there. Peace!
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