"Europe's 'Saviour' Forms 10-Nation Confederacy"

in christianity •  6 years ago 

We have a confession to make. While the MSM has been busy denigrating any and all Trump accomplishments (ad nauseum) we've had our eye on Emanuel Macron. The "pretty-boy" French president took office on May 14, 2017, but didn't get our attention until his "splashy" cover shot on The Economist last year.


The Rothschild magazine portrayed Macron in a Christ-like walking-on-water photo with the headline "Europe's Saviour?" Maybe they got the idea from his name Emanuel which means "God with us." (Not to mention the fact he compares himself to the ancient Roman "god" Jupiter).

And now Emanuel Macron is gathering the leaders of ten nations to form an official "common European intervention force, defense budget and doctrine." Sound familiar?

At least 4 major Scripture passages (Daniel 2: 31-35, 40-45; 7: 7-8, 19-24; Revelation 13: 1-2; 17: 3, 7, 12-16) either directly or by implication prophesy a 10-nation confederacy forming in the end-times.

Coincidence? Maybe--but it's got prophecy expert J.D. Farag's attention "simply because of the avalanche of other prophetic developments all occurring at the exact same time," he said.

According to Farag:

-Trump's soon-to-be-revealed "deal of the century" has the hallmarks of the covenant the Bible says the Antichrist will later enforce (Daniel 9).
-A 10-nation union in the geographic area of the ancient Roman Empire is set to unite (Daniel 2).
-Israel was reborn in a day, May 14, 1948 (Isaiah 66:8).
-Israel is 70 years old: one generation (Matthew 24).
-The U.S. Embassy move to Jerusalem (Zechariah)
-The U.S. exit from the Iranian nuclear deal (Ezekiel 38 appears to go nuclear)
-All of the players and conditions for the Ezekiel 38 war are currently in place.
-All of the end-time technology is in place (Revelation 13, etc.).
-Current "rogue" Pope fits description of the false prophet (Revelation 13:11).

While none of this is conclusive, Jesus warned, "When you see the events I've described beginning to happen, you can know His return is very near, right at the door. I assure you, this generation will not pass from the scene before all these things take place" (Matthew 24:33).

A wise man once said: "We must heed the warnings before it's too late. One day that trumpet will sound and we need to be ready. Salvation is available now to any who asks. Don't wait until it's too late." -- J.D. Farag


-DEBKAfile: U.S. to boost its military presence in Israel against potential showdown with Iran.
-The Times of Israel: Iran opens new nuclear facility for centrifuge production; EU warns move won't help image.
-AFP: Pompeo: "N. Korea 'prepared to denuclearize', agrees to making 'major changes' ahead of historic summit next week.
-AP: Obama secretly tried to give Iran illegal access to U.S. banking system; banks refused.

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