"Far-left Turn = Twilight Zone 4 Dems"

in christianity •  6 years ago 

While the MSM is busy melting -down over the Helsinki Summit, mainline Democrats have apparently been thrust into The Twilight Zone.

Don't believe it? Ask Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who failed to win her party's endorsement last weekend for being too "conservative" in favor of faaaaaarrrr left candidate Kevin de Leon, who out-radicalizes even the far-left.

"For Feinstein, the party's decision to back de Leon was even more remarkable this time around, since she trounced him by more than 30 percent in last month's primaries," said Tony Perkins of Family Research Council.

Meanwhile, Democratic-Socialist candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shocked the political world when she bested the longtime incumbent in New York's primary election last month. What's she up to this month? Mobilizing protesters to "occupy" pretty much everything in sight that has to do with immigration; border crossings, airports and ICE offices nationwide. You name it--they'll occupy it--in an attempt to "Abolish ICE" and oppose immigration enforcement.

Even though her improbable win made her an overnight progressive superstar, some House Democrats accuse her of using her new found star power to attack moderate Democrats.

Speculation about the future of the Democratic Party is running rampant, as a new poll reveals 73% of Democratic voters want a "fresh face" for their party's presidential nominee.

Suddenly, the DNC has a dilemma: Will over-the-top-left-wing extremists (like Kevin de Leon and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) be the "fresh face" Democratic voters are hoping for? OR are they a radical left flank, threatening to divide the party and undermine its chances in the mid-term elections? https://www.nationalreview.com/videos/are-democrats-blowing-the-2018-midterms/

"Heartland Democrats are begging the DNC to get back to basics," said Perkins. "When your own party believes you're out of touch with mainstream America, you're in trouble." Or maybe you've gone a bridge too far, veering off course into...The Twilight Zone.

A wise man once said: "We are a people and nation in imminent danger. We mock God, ridicule His Word and His ways, and flaunt gross immorality. Only Almighty God can deliver us, and it is our fervent prayer as we go across America, that He will hear our prayers and heal our land. He is our only hope." -- Franklin Graham

"Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect His will really is." (Romans 12:2)

HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN! http://heaven-gettingthere.blogspot.com/

-The Week: Obama: 'Consider a universal basic income'; Former Pres. endorsed idea in his first major speech since leaving office.
-MOTHERBOARD: Top voting machine vendor admits it installed remote-access software on systems sold to states; statement contradicts previous claims.
-CNN: Ex-FBI head James Comey urges public to vote Democratic; Comey was fired by Trump for incompetence.

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