The Occult Connections to the United Nations - Part 2

in christianity •  7 years ago 

Continuing from Part 1...

Foster and Alice A. Bailey:

  • Foster Bailey also a 32° Freemason
  • Alice A. Bailey was also known as the "High Priestess and Prophetess of the New Age." She was the channel for the spirit (demon) known as Djwhal Khul (aka The Tibetan Master) by channeling his spirit into her and giving messages through her.
Djwhal Khul is known as a Mahatmas, meaning "a great soul." According to the Lucis Trust website, has worked with Alice A. Bailey for over 30 years and has been the source of her writtings. [18]

According to this spirit/demon:

The teaching on the new world religion, emphasising the three major spiritual festivals at the time of the Aries, Taurus and Gemini full moon periods; and the nine lesser festivals. The full moon meditation work is thus of first importance. It establishes a relation between the work of the Christ and the Buddha, leading to a broadening of human aspiration. [19]

In several of her writings, Alice A. Bailey says,

"Forgetting the things that lie behind, I will strive towards my higher spiritual possibilities. I dedicate myself anew to the service of the Coming One and will do all I can to prepare men's minds and hearts for that event. I have no other life intention."[20]

"The Tibetan has asked me to make clear that when he is speaking of the Christ he is referring to His official name as head of the Hierarchy. The Christ works for all men irrespective of their faith; He does not belong to the Christian world any more than to the Buddhist or Mohammedan or any other faith. There is no need for any man to join the Christian church in order to be affiliated with Christ. The requirements are to love your fellowmen, lead a disciplined life, recognize the divinity in all faiths and all beings and rule your daily life with Love." [21]

"First of all, he will come to a world which is essentially one world." [23]

"The major effect of his appearance will surely be to demonstrate in every land the effects of a spirit of inclusiveness -- an inclusiveness which will be channeled or expressed through him. All who seek right human relations will be gathered automatically to him, whether they are in one of the great world religions or not. All who see no true or basic difference between religion and religion or between man and man or nation and nation will rally around him; those who embody the spirit of exclusiveness and separateness will stand automatically and equally revealed and all men will know them for what they are." [24]

Ouch! What does the Bible say about this?

2 Corinthians 6:17

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate..."

Luke 12:51

"Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division"


She says further,

"The reply comes with clarity; he will come unfailingly when a measure of peace has been restored..."[23]

Notice, she doesn't say "when we have full peace"...we can have some "non-peace" going on when he comes.

"The major required preparation [for the coming of the 'Christ'] is a world at peace; however, that peace must be based on an educated goodwill, which will lead inevitably to human relations, and therefore to the establishment of lines of light between nation and nation, religion and religion, group and group and man and man." [22]

They started a group called 'World Goodwill' -- an official Non-Governmental Organization within the United Nations. The stated aim of this group is to "cooperate in the world of preparation for the reappearance of the Christ." [1]

To Summarise the optics of the UN's Agenda :

  • It's political agenda is to get all countries together under one banner.
  • It's "goodwill" agenda is to establish of "right human relations."
  • It's religious agenda is to get all the religions together under one name "in the spirit of inclusiveness."
  • It's purpose is to prepare the world for the coming of "Christ."

Question: Which Christ?
Answer: The Cosmic Christ.

Question. Do we see evidence today of world religions putting aside doctrines and pushing for this "spirit of inclusiveness"?
Answer: Watch/read these videos/news and you tell me if you see that happening?

I could provide more links, but I think you get the picture.

According to the Lucis Trust Website:

In order to place a closer focus on the work of the United Nations, and in particular the Sustainable Development Goals, the blog World Goodwill at the UN provides up-to-date reports on important UN meetings and processes. The new Sustainable Development Goals for

humanity set a transformative agenda for the fifteen year period 2015 – 2030. Never before has there been such a broad-based dialogue and negotiation between governments, civil society, business and academia to determine achievable goals and targets. [10]

Support of the United Nations

The Lucis Trust has Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) and World Goodwill is recognized by the Department of Public Information at the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO). As such the Trust and World Goodwill are part of a community of many hundreds of NGOs that play an active role in the United Nations, particularly in spreading information about the UN and fostering support for UN programs. Since their inception, Lucis Trust and World Goodwill have given their support through meditation, educational materials and seminars, by highlighting the importance of the UN's goals and activities as they represent the voice of the peoples and nations of the world. [11]

The books published by Alice A. Bailey were done by her original publishing company name of Lucifer Publishing Company.

According to their own website:

The ancient myth of Lucifer refers to the angel who brought light to the world, and it is assumed that the name was applied to the publishing company in honour of a journal, which had been edited for a number of years by theosophical founder, HP Blavatsky. It soon became clear to the Bailey’s that some Christian groups have traditionally mistakenly identified Lucifer with Satan, and for this reason, the company’s name was changed in 1924 to Lucis Publishing Company. [7]

In other words, because they were too obviously working for Satan, they decided to mask their Publishing House name to Lucis Trust.

Alice Bailey writes,

"Evidence of the growth of the human intellect along the needed receptive lines [for the preparation of the New Age] can be seen in the "planning" of various nations and in the efforts of the United Nations to Formulate a world plan...From the very start of this unfoldment, three occult factors have governed the development of all these plans" [8]

She writes further about these "three occult factors",

Within the United Nations is the germ and seed of a great international and meditating, reflective group -- a group of thinking and informed men and women in whose hands lies the destiny of humanity. This is largely under the control of many fourth ray disciples, if you could but realize it, and their point of meditative focus is the intuitional or Buddhic plane - the plane upon which all hierarchical activity is today to be found." [9]

Did you catch that? "...three occult factors..." I'm not the one calling her or the UN "occult", she is doing that for us.

Dr. Robert Muller:

Lets circle back to Dr. Robert Muller.

Dr. Rober Muller says,

"Decide to open yourself to God, to the Universe, to all your brethren and sister, to your inner the potential of the human race, to the infinity of your inner self, and you will become the will become infinity, and you will be at long last your real, divine stupendous self." [5]

Dr. Robert Muller writes how his educational books are based on Alice A. Bailey's philosophy.

"The underlying philosophy upon which the Robert Muller School is based will be found in the teachings set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey...The school is now certified as a United Nations Associated School providing education for international cooperation and peace." [6]

I think it's pretty safe to say that Dr. Robert Muller is one of those "disciples" Alice A. Bailey writes about.

Question: What is the Robert Miller School? Glad you asked.
Answer: The education program for the entire world as will be enforced by the United Nations.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky:

She is the founder of the Theosophy (AKA Brother H.P. Blavatskly, 33° Freemason). Succeeded by Annie Bessant (Freemason, 33°) and then succeeded by Alice A. Bailey.

According to Wikipedia,

"...was a Russian occultist, spirit medium, and author who co-founded the Theosophical Society in 1875. She gained an international following as the leading theoretician of Theosophy, the esoteric religion that the society promoted. [13]

Blavatsky's successor Alice Bailey wrote "The Great Invocation" which has to be read and learned by every child in the future:

An interesting observation:

  • Which Christ are we talking about again?
  • "..restore the Plan on Earth"
    • Who's plan?
    • Who made it that it needs restoring?

Well, let's ask another question.

  • In the Bible, who separated the nations? God.
  • What is the focus of the UN? To reunite every nation. In their esoteric narrative, God is the evil one for confusing the languages and causing division.

Blavatsky writes,

"Lucifer Thought.. Progress.. Civilization .. Liberty.. Independence.. Lucifer is the Logos.. *the Serpent, the Savior." [14]

"It is Satan who is the God of our planet and the only God." [15]

The Celestial Virgin which thus becomes the Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same time; for she is the ever-loving beneficent Deity...but in antiquity and reality Lucifer or Luciferius is the name. Lucifer is divine and terrestrial Light, 'the Holy Ghost' and 'Satan' at one and the same time" [16]

Be sure to be caught up and read "Part 1" on the Occult UN


[1] One Earth, the magazine of the Findhorn Foundation, October/November 1986, Vol. 6, Issue 6, p.24.
[2] Image: Foster Bailey
[3] Image: Alice A. Bailey
[4] Image: Dr. Robert Muller
[5] Robert Muller, "Decide to Be," Link-Up(1986): p.2. This was published by the British New Age journal 'Link-Up', which has now changed its name to 'Global Link-Up'.
[6] Muller, R. World Core Curriculum. Preface.
[7] Lucis Trust
[8] Alice B. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age (Lucis Press, 1955), Vol. II, p. 35)
[9] Ibid p.220.
[10] Lucis Trusts Website: World Goodwill at The UN
[11] Lucis Trusts Website: Support of the United Nations
[12] Image: Helena P. Blavatsky
[13] Wikipedia: Helena Blavatsky
[14] The Secret Doctrine, by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky on pages 171, 225, 255 (Volume II)
[15] Ibid, p. 215, 216, 220, 245, 255, 544, (VI)
[16] Ibid, p. 539.
[17] Image: The Great Invocation
[18] Lucis Trust: The Tibetan Master Work
[19] Ibid
[20] Bailey, A.A. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol.11. New York: Lucis Trust. p. 226.
[21] Bailey, A.A. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy. New York: Lucis Trust. p. 558.
[22] Ibid,.616.
[22] Ibid, 611.
[23] Bailey, A.A. The Reappearance of the Christ. New York: Lucis Trust. p. 15.
[24] Ibid, p.110.

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Many are sincerely deceived to think the UN is what they heard it is. Thank you for more.

It's sugar mixed with poison. You're supposed to like it and think it's innocent...that is...until you read the ingredients (their teachings).

I think we could spend hours, maybe even days comparing notes! This is deep, and it affirms, adds to, and makes sense of what I've studied over the years. I'm glad you linked Sustainable Development in here, as in my studies I've noticed that it is anti-biblical to the core. I'm really excited about part 3!

I'm sure there are lots of notes we could share! So far, I'm only scratching the surface...there's just sooo much I would I could cover. But I definitely want to finish this series. Sustainable Development is key to their agenda because it covers so much ground. What they want, their aim in life is and absolut control.

Exactly! Article 29, sections 2&3 of the UN’s Declaration of Human Rights confirms their desire for total control.

Are you familiar with this book:

Haha! No, haven't read that book, but I know the organization that is the "capstone" of all these sub-organizations. This organization is known as a "woman." And this organization has been wanting total control for a while...and has all their sub-organizations do their work for them. This way they can always be distanced from it and claim no responsibility. Everything they do is in secrecy.

That sounds like how Benjamin Franklin's JUNTO worked. I'm curious about the "woman." Will you be explaining this to us? Is "she" like the woman on the beast in Revelation?

Yep. Talking about the beast of Revelation! She's patient and had a long time to plan. Eventually, I will get to "her" on my posts.

This is a great series, and I'm really looking forward to reading more of your insight.

Here's an article I assign to my students that opens with the explicit call to reverse biblical principles in order to ensure sustainable development. The author is a long-time member of the Club of Rome.

Looks like a good read! I'll let you know what I think.

Wow deep things thanks for sharing

Thanks, glad you appreciated it.

Thanks for taking the time to compile this info and including sources. Particularly important for people to see is the Lucis Trust connection to the UN. I try to tell people that if they think this idea of a "conspiracy" to control the world is too far fetched, spend some time on the Lucis Trust web site. Particularly the PDF's of their "Service of the Plan". This is where the whole strategy is layed out. Take the time people if you realize how important it is to know your enemy.

Thanks for the comment!

Knowledge is power. And the Devil has been putting up his plans in plain sight...but we are not immortal. We don't live long enough to see the "big picture", which is why we need books to look far back into the past. Most people just don't know to do that...and those who know some...forget.

I mean, look at why people became Protestants (Church of England, Lutherans, Baptists, Adventists). They did it because the Papacy was doing things contrary to the Bible. But give it enough time, and people forget these things. Now, most of those denominations are returning back to the "mother church." This is why prophecy is important and knowing some practical history.

There still a lot of things to consider...

Thanks for stopping by! Can you elaborate on what things I need to consider?

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Interesting. What can you say? The devil is hard at work to inoculate men's minds to the idea that all faith and belief systems are good; that Christianity is just one of many; that you don't even need a real relationship with Christ in order to benefit from it. And to read that she essentially got her beliefs from demons. Mercy.

I'm disturbed that many of the founders of the UN considered Alice A. Bailey and Blavatsky's writings as foundational to their policies and how it guided them as they set educational policies for the world. That's just nuts!

Such a rabbit hole...

and it keeps getting deeper. Part 3 is taking a while....ugh. Wish I had more time :-(

I hear yah man, personally I dont think there is much of an end with all this stuff...

what do you mean?

Sorry late reply, I mean the occult stuff... it just keeps going

Well, if you're a Bible-believing person, you know it will eventually come to an end. Prophecy has predicted these things will happen and how it will end.

I read the Bible.. How do you see things happening or progressing then?