The signs were all there...
The spoken and unspoken words
They were all there
For sometime now I guess
I had deliberately ignored them
The impact they had on me was sweet
I denied them all the same
I KNEW too much to give in
"Never stir up love till he pleases"
I repeated to myself time and time again
Till confidence had taken over
A KNOWING that I was secure in my KNOWING
But how did I get here?
I was so sure that it was all in control
Its 'love's day' and I am here
Deeply and drunken in love
All he had to do now was ask
'No?' that word has lost its meaning
Between us, it does not exist any more
I love him, I KNOW I do
I also KNOW that no one else must KNOW
We love each other, that is all that matters
Its 'love's day', that matters too
I will have to prove my love
The scenes of the songs of Solomon;
I have perfected just to be sure
Line by line I have read through
My red and white was properly prepared
I could not afford to disappoint him
But when I got to this point and thought meditatively...
"My beloved is MINE and I am HIS"
I KNEW I could not say same of us
We were not married and did not belong to each other
This is it for me!
Why? I NOW KNOW that I am under no obligation any way!
My body was and is still mine
Absolutely no one could place a claim on it yet
Then again, God is love!
Anything outside His intent cannot be love
It may be anything else though
Not love, not love!