Is There a Connection Between Esau and Donald Trump?

in christianity •  7 years ago 

According to Rabbi Mendel Kessin, Donald Trump is the reincarnation of the Biblical Esau. Esau was the twin brother of Jacob, who later became Israel. Kessin says that “Trump is a messianic figure.”

According to Rabbi Mendel Kessin, both Esau and Jacob where to have a central role in the salvation of Israel. But Esau chose a different path. But now, things have changed... This to me is interesting, but at the same time far fetched. I have a hard time believing the predictions of man, and more so the predictions of a man that rejects their own Messiah...Jesus Christ. Whom by the way the Jews Crucified.

The Jewish nation, according to Biblical prophecy will look for a "man" who they call the Messiah. This man will come to deliver the nation from all their troubles. If they see Donald Trump as this man, then believe you me...they are in trouble. The prophecy says, "They will say, 'peace peace,' then sudden destruction." Are things lining up? We shall see.

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Rabbi Mendel Kessin

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Well thats a bit far-fetched.
Esau was the founder of Edom,and Edom was located South or South-East of Israel.
And Edom was pretty hostile towards Israel.
The only thing Trump has in common with Edom is the colour of his hair.

Another very far-fetched thing is that the Jews would see a Messianic figure in Donald Trump.
They are carefully becoming more pro-Trump,espechially since his Jerusalem move.
But a Messianic figure?

They appriciate his support,
but theres no way in Azazel the Jews would even consider a Christian to be a Messianic figure.

The only way the Jews will accept a CHRIST-ian as Messianic figure is if He is setting His feet on the mount of olives and split it in two,
bring all the tribes back into Israel,
and completly defeat the army of Gog and Magog.

I sincerely doubt Trump will even come close to such a thing.

I think this video may be appropiate,although it was proberly shot before Trumps Jerusalem declaration. it. I wander what they think now. Anyway...things now a days are stranger than fiction. Yeah, I love trump, but he ain't gonna split the Mount of Olives! lOL!

trump de messiah does not have anything I think rather that is the anti christ with the persecution to the spanish speaking

Well, think what you may, he is doing a great job for his people. And he is blessed by God Almighty because he stands with Israel. Blessed are those that bless Israel...Thats what the Bible says...I'm going with that.

apologize for my expression are trump I said it in the form of a joke. If that is your belief, I respect you

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You didn't offend me...I support freedom to speak your mind. I understand people not liking Trump because of all the lies that are being told about him in the media. But If someone with honesty searches, they will find the truth. Trump is a good man, and he cares about people. But Trump is a fighter...he is not going to lay down and let people walk all over him. When he fights back, it is ugly...but he wins. Thats what I love about him...he fights and stands up against corruption. He is turning things around in this country. The economy is roaring and things that were hidden are coming to light. People who have been in power and are corrupt are afraid because they can't cover up anymore because they lost power. The average person loves him.

He is draining the swamp.

Without gloryfying him,I do believe he is a tool in Gods hand.
He has his sharp edges,and he is a work in progress.
But i do believe God put him there for a reason.

I believe this for sure. No man is righteous...Only Jesus Christ is Righteous. Donald Trump is like Cyrus.

You are right when you say that the media speak badly of him, cnn in Spanish every day he speaks ill of him, as I am from Venezuela I have no idea how trump is as president in your country

You should know this by whats happening in your country...The media lies! And the media is a tool of government power. If you want to find the truth, you have to go to other alternative sources.

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