in christians •  7 years ago 

1peter 5:8, 2choritians 13:5, hebrews 2:1, God wants us to look and reflext on the things we have learnt. You as a person are suppose to always reflect on the things you are being tought because by them you are able to make good choices (hebrew 11:8) success comes by important decisions and this decisions are made after REFLECTION. When it comes to decision making two things are involved

  1. What God told you before
  2. Can you trust him??
    In your life you have to make a clear decision between Chirst and the world.
    NOTE. Chirst is a place.
    Therefore you have to be careful to always reflect on your decisions before making them else you will end up regreting your choice. Never make decisions because of voices or because of strangers, for a stranger is not someone you don't know, rather a stranger is someone God has not sent into your life. Hebrew 11:24-26 let your choices be based on the word.
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I think a lot has been a great post. Because every word has been written.