Want Some Guidance On How To Adopt An Orangutan? Gifts Of Hope For This Christmas!

in christmas-spirit •  7 years ago  (edited)

I made a decision to give a gift of hope and love as my thank you to @steemit that I collected so much steempower, my investment, since June 2016.......It feels good to get but better to give! Let me tell you how.

It's Christmas soon and maybe for some of you its the time again to think about getting presents for your loved ones. I am not a big fan of running around like a chicken to gather all kind of gifts in the last minute and actually have no plans to do so but today I found an email about Popi and how its possible to help many of her friends who face horrific threats. I read that only one out of six orphans are lucky enough to be rescued.

Don't hesitate and give YOUR Gift of HOPE as well for this years festive season. 


Image source ! Donate now!

I lived in Indonesia and heard so many horror stories of suffering in the rainforest for years but never did anything actively to help, except showing a movie at my venue once. Thats not enough!

The Rise Of The Eco Warriors ( click to watch the trailer)

Bali at the Warehouse82

The Orangutan Project

You don't need much, only €8 or 12 USD per month and you can help an orphaned or injured orangutan through rehabilitation in one of many care centres. 

I kept some liquid Steem, exchanging my SBD for an amazing rate this past week. Its time to pay back!  

Read Popi's sad story HERE ....Look at those faces in need and don't let them down. 


Image Source at the Rehabilitation Centre: COP Borneo, East Kalimantan. Indonesia

Being so young when she first lost her mother at approximately 8 weeks of age, Popi has needed extra care and attention at the COP Borneo Rescue Centre. Her development and progress has amazed the dedicated staff at COP Borneo. Popi began attending forest school and has been many times in the last few months. She used to sleep or cry a lot during forest school. Rather than climb, she preferred to spend forest school time being held and chewing on the bark of trees. Over time Popi began to climb a few metres at a time. Recently she has climbed to the tops of trees up to 30m tall! - Source 

Popi still needs to learn many things and our financial support for her caretakers and babysitters! 

What I great idea I thought that You could gift an adoption package to your children! 

ADOPT POPI, MONTI, CECE, GOKONG and you will fund activities by the wonderful Orangutan Project who cares for them in their facilities, with the hope of eventually finding the jungle freedom she and many others in need deserve. 

Image source for Gokong, Monti and Cece

Your adoption will get them lots of food and will cover expensive medical costs.


You can become an adopter on behalf of your loved ones and email a guardianship certificate to them instantly. 


Watch this documentary today to understand better what is going on in Borneo, Indonesia. 

2 of many previous articles I wrote to get attention for animals in need. There are a few more..... 

Say NO To The Show! "FreeBaliDolphins" Project Tour April 30-May,5th 2017

[Episode4] Backstage Bali - An Endless Fight To Save Animals And Teach Governments About Compassion - I Love Bali Dogs And The Pet Crusaders!

Yours @mammasitta

Follow also my minnow profile @massivevibration to keep on spreading those MassiVe Vibes. 

Feel free to join my steemit chat channels at "mammasittas, austria, massivevibrations, baliohbali" to post your links. 

Join MAMMASITTA's Steemit Network and twitter account #steemitvibes

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wow sehr cool. wir hatten mal eine Patenschaft über einen kleinen Orang Utan namens Henry. Mehr als 2 Jahre liefere Patenschaft über BOS war das damals. Hab mich gerade mal wieder schlau gelesen und musste leider auf deren Seite lesen das Henry dieses Jahr verstorben ist.

werde mir das von dir oben auch mal genauer anschauen. wird auch mal bei uns wieder zeit was zu tun.

Ach, das ist so schoen von deiner story zu lesen! Da würde ich gerne noch mehr hören. Ich freue mich schon von meinem Äffchen bald Neuigkeit zu hören. Toll Dich kennenzu lernen!!! 🐒🐒🐒

naja ist eigentlich ganz einfach. Fidi, meine Freundin wollte schon immer mal nach Borneo zu den Orang Utans. Hat halt nur leider nie geklappt deswegen gabs eine Patenschaft. 🐵

Glaube mir! Es ist eine Reise wert

das glaube ich sofort. vielleicht klappt es ja irgend wann mal. warst du schon einmal dort?

RESPECT !!! What a warm heart you have for human, animals and nature.

I really do I do I do .....LOVE animals!!!

who loves the creation of god,mean she/he loves god.....and you are doing that great job @mammasitta

So eine berührende, aufrüttelnde Doku!

"If you don't act then nothing will ever change"

Oh Liebes! Das stimmt und ich muss wieder Mal was tun bevor ich explodiere. Ich fühle mich etwas paralysiert in meinem Umfeld aber vielleicht ist es nur der Winter.

thank you so much for your help toward my people and my country Ibu. You are more like Indonesia than those Indonesian money raper who destroy the forest just to get instant money.

Yes it’s about MO MONEY and people who would not even care about their fellow humans. Why would they care for animals in need ???
I am so sad every time I read those kind of articles about those horrors in our world and “our” robbed homes.

While some don't care about humans, you have a large heart even for animals. Keep it up ma'am.


This post has received gratitude of 1.00 % from @jout

Thank you

You got a 0.08% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @jout!

Ich finde dieses Projekt echt interessant. Ich werde mich nächste Woche etwas intensiver damit beschäftigen. Auf jeden Fall danke für diesen Denkanstoß :)

Es ist ein wirklich toller Film!!! Wollte schon lange darüber schreiben aber the call of adoption of one of those cuties for christmas war einfach ein perfekter Anlass!

Du hast den perfekten Zeitpunkt gefunden darüber zu schreiben. Derzeitig sind sowieso sehr viele Menschen daheim und immer mehr sitzen vorm PC. Deshalb Thumbs Up :)

Danke vielmals 🙏🙏🙏

Hey, find ich super.
Ich war mal im malaysischen Teil von Borneo in einem Rehab Center, und war damals tief beeindruckt.
Thumbs up!

Das glaube ich Dir! Schau Dir unbedingt den Film an, den ich am Ende gepostet habe.....

Das ist auch super über den Cove und ECO WARRIORS

Wow! This is highly impressive and worthy of emulation. I must admit you are doing a great job -even to animals? You heart is indeed made of gold. Thumbs up

you are spreading the love of warmth to every species this is rare now a days but i feel blessed to know someone who has a heart like you :)

Thats so sweet of you to say! Lots of heartache but its still at the right spot it seems :)

They look super cute and I will love to adopt them if the Indian government allows us to do this.

You only need to pay for an adoption package helping to cover costs, not the orangutan itself......:)

You have the golden heart truly thats great !!

You are truly sweet to say this. Thank you so so much

:D and you are super amazing too :D

Good respect for animals, especially orangutans
Thank for your sharing. Success is always for you @mammasitta...

I thank you !!!

Oh wow, this post warms my heart up!

cute orangutan, brilliant gift for chrismas.

great post.........love to read it.

cute animal
red-pill-blue-pill-crypto-future 02.jpgindex04.jpg

Hahaha 🐒🐒🐒

Amazing work . You have good heart and love for animals

That’s very kind of you to bday! Thank you

The best gift of the season!

Ain’t that true 🐒🐒🐒

Thank you for sharing some nice monkey photo among us, especially your video. Which I liked very much, thanks for the nice posting.

So happy to know that you enjoyed it 🐒


Check The Daily spotlights of 14 December 2017! You missed one? ----> #dailyspotlights

Your quality post caught my attention and I hope you benefit from my resteem. My followers have a refined appreciation for quality art. You might also enjoy my curated collection. To see the quality posts I have curated via resteem, see my blog @pixresteemer. If you want to know more about me and my mission, please check my introduction.

I like the idea mamasitta. But i allready help the needy in my home country. So i wil need to pass this one.

Thats nice to hear that you do help your people


These orangutans are sweet, you really have a real feeling for the topic

I adore animals .....and I also know that they need our help more than we can imagine

I'm sure of that, we have to be careful about the animals, and we are eating them sadly

I don’t eat monkeys 🐒 :)

nice photo

It’s a great thing you’re doing.

Those pictures are so clear ... Good work

its about the story around those photos

Also the story is very beauty

Very beautiful! I like it

Beautiful pictures! I hope to see more from you. Keep Steeming!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Your comments are spam, have nothing to do with the topics and now I have enough of those. You also transfer your profits to another account. I don’t like you and therefore gets flagged! I checked out many of your comments before I do so

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

aduh saya tidak tahu harus berkata apa tapi bukan cara saya membantu membangun komunitas orang baik. Prinsipnya tertulis di kertas putih. tolong bacalah dengan saksama untuk mengerti

Your comments for every member is the same and This is called spamming!
This time I don’t flag you but saya mau!!!