Celebrate advent
Every year, about four weeks before Christmas, the Advent season begins. Especially children are already looking forward to Christmas Eve and enjoy the Advent Sundays with candles and home-baked cookies and of course the Advent Calendar, which daily prepares a little surprise.
- © Gina Sanders - Fotolia.com
The first Advent falls on Sunday four weeks before Christmas, usually on the last weekend of November. Until this date, the Advent wreath should be concerned, which is traditionally made of fir branches. Every Sunday, another candle is lit. But not only the Sundays can be used to set the mood for the festival. In the meantime, various activities provide the right Christmas atmosphere.
Baking and baking cookies
In the period before Christmas, the clocks often run a little slower. Take time to make Christmas decorations and small gifts or bake cookies with your child.
On December 6th is Nicholas
On St. Nicholas' Day, the children should put their well-cleaned shoes at the door - Nicholas will fill them with all sorts of gifts. For a special surprise, the presenter can also come directly to the child's home.
We build a crib landscape
At the beginning of the Advent season, a place in the apartment for the crib is reserved. Day after day, a new part is added, until on Christmas morning the nativity scene with the baby Jesus is completed. For this purpose, a small Advent story can be read daily.
- Selfmade Crip
In winter and especially in the Advent season you should take things a bit calmer. As nature comes to rest, so should the human being. Then there will be more time to really enjoy the time before Christmas with the kids.