There is a few reason why Christianity is the way it is currently. One of the main thing in the gentile age is to bring souls to be saved. So I think that is why Christianity is not quite what it should be, but it comforts gentiles enough for them to believe. But because they don't do it exactly, they don't get the full blessings at times. Now the age is coming to an end, things are different. Gentiles are asking questions. All the missteps of the Christians in the past, is coming back now and is questioned. All the missteps happen, because it was not fully Christianity, as I mention other times. Gentile Christianity cannot be exactly because it's really Jewish religion. Without a true Jewish perspective, they don't understand it fully and only in part. However the gentiles at this time, has some roll to play, to herald the new age to come. The circumstance are happening in the world, for West to lose faith and at the same time it's drawing other groups, such as the middle east to find the truth.
You have a few forces that controls what is going on. Some things that are set in the past, must happen currently and yet to happen. The future is set, I believe to a grand scale - something must come to pass, somethings depend on choice. It is not coincidence that the West is gradually going away from Christianity. At the end of this age, the story goes, Jews finally accept Jesus as the Messiah. I think it also heralds, for the Arabs a renewing of the Middle East to know Christ. It talks about some ancient texts, that says when all things come to peace on earth, than Essau will have peace. This maybe in the Jubilee. Essau is the brother of Jacob, which is known as Israel. Essau descendents, some say are the Palestinians. They will not come to peace until Christ comes.
You have the Arabs or descendants of Ishmael, from ancient text, will have his hands on all and all will have their hands on him. That is why ISIS comes from the Arab, because of the prophecy. Some say the Arabs when they are cornered, will find the truth in Christ, also. As one door closes on the Gospel of Christ, another door opens. Eventually all group will have had a chance of knowing Christ as it is prophesied, the Gospel is preached to the ends of the world, then the end of this age will come.
**Disclosure This blog is based on my opinions. I am not giving professional advice. Anything written here should be taken as an opinion and is the responsibility of the reader to take due diligence as such. Basically saying I may be wrong, right or neither, just saying its my opinions and my voice.