The CIA’s Bluff Has Officially Been Called

in cia •  8 years ago 

So put up or shut up, CIA. You’ve got the venue all made up for you. Whoever it is back there who so urgently desires the American public to believe that the Russians successfully conspired to get Donald Trump elected, you’ve now got a wide open door to a great big stage on which to share that. You can share it alone or together, legally or illicitly, officially, unofficially or officially-pretending-to-be-unofficially. No one cares, just share it. Whoever you are, they'll protect your identification.

Because guess what? We don’t believe you right now. No American with two braincells to rub together will ever believe anything the CIA says for any reason, because they’ve got such an extensive and well-documented record of lying to us at every turn. Jon Lovitz’s pathological liar character from SNL has more credibility than the CIA at this point, and I’m talking about a fictional character from a pointless season on a routinely dreadful sketch comedy show in a decade we’d all rather forget about. There is no reason for any American citizen to ever believe anything the CIA says unless they happen to be one of the few powerful elites they send proof of termination to when they assassinate a whistleblower.

Believing something the CIA says is like trusting a meth addict with your car, and trusting the CIA when they’re working with the Washington Post is like trusting a meth addict with your car and leaving your kid in the back seat with the house keys and money for Taco Bell. There is now no reason for the American people not to demand conclusive evidence for this thing they’re being asked to swallow, and no reason not to dismiss these allegations as one more act of CIA psy-ops if that proof fails to come through.


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Hahaha, get em!

Seriously though you are right. I could not believe it when I heard it. It seems Trump is siding with big oil for sure and of course they hedged there bets with both Clinton's and Trump. It seems funny to me that people believe anything on the news or announced as "they did this", "no it was them", coming from our governments anymore. No sorry it has always been the the big corporate powers pulling the strings. Nothing more than the wizard behind the green curtain.

The two heads of one monster -- and then they expect us to vote for one of them!

Indeed. I was fortunate enough to have a very good teacher in high school for government class who explained to me gerrymandering and the all the builtin flaws of our democracy. I have never voted and never will. To do so is just supporting a completely broken system.