RE: When does cosy become compromised?

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When does cosy become compromised?

in cia •  6 years ago 

I remember it well. He once notoriously called on Israel to “nuke” the Palestinians and was on record as saying that you don't win federal elections without the backing of the Israeli lobby. He was likely sloshed at the time of both comments. (I keep searching it, but I'm buggered if I can find a reference for the second comment. I know it exists, but like many things is now impossible to find).

Hawke has more recently stated that he was "dismayed at the Israeli parliament’s decision to retroactively legalise Jewish settlements in occupied territories". However the Zionist Federation of Australia were more optimistic of Bill Shorten's right-wing faction that "has been a staunch defender of Israel’s tough security policies for decades."

There is also the suggestion that Rudd was deposed by Guillard due to his betrayal of Israel, by daring to expel Israeli diplomats for using forged Australian passports when conducting assassinations. Then there his lack of support for Israel when Australia abstained at the UN on a resolution condemning operation Cast Lead.

We were then faced with the embarrassing sycophantic display of at the next election where both Guillard and Abbott lay prostate and grovelling before AIJAC, trying to outdo each other on who could do more for Israel.

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