in ciencia •  7 years ago  (edited)

The mystery that the same species has two types of blood (positive RH and negative RH) is a question that has no explanation within science and logic, at least within the evolution of mammals, (The Rh factor is a Whole protein from the membrane of red blood cells Rh positive are those people who have this protein in their erythrocytes and Rh negative who do not have the protein, 85% of the population has a dominant structure in that protein, which corresponds to a determined sequence of amino acids that in common language are denominated habitually Rh +. Around the sixth week of gestation, the Rh antigen begins to be expressed in the human red globules), this condition of the man we could explain it if we read the chapter 6 of the GENESIS: 6: 1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply upon the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
6: 2 When the children of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, they took to themselves women, choosing among them all.
6: 3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for he is flesh; but their days will be one hundred and twenty years.
6: 4 There were giants on the earth in those days, Numbers 13: 33 and also after the children of God came to the daughters of men, and begot them sons. These were the brave men who from ancient times were renowned men.
Through this biblical passage we can infer that after the human species was created (positive RH factor), the angels or sons of GOD saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and crossed with them thus generating the hybrids that from my point of view seen are the carriers of the negative RH factor, this crossing produced the DOMINANT ELITE that from ancient times GOVERNED us, according to Auxier Auge (2013) the VASCOS and the JEWS are 2 of the ethnic groups that manifest in a greater percentage this condition:
"The Basques of Spain and France have the highest percentage of Rh negative blood, about 30% have Rh (rr) negative and 60% have one (r) of negative genes. The average between most people is only 15% Rh-negative, while some groups have very little.The Eastern Jews of Israel, also have a high percentage of Rh negative, although most Orientals have only about 1% Rh negative .The Samaritians and Black Cochin Jew also have a high percentage of Rh negative blood, although again the Rh negative blood is rare among the blackest ones ", On the other hand it is also necessary to emphasize that almost all the nobles of the current ROYALTY and I imagine that their predecessors are identified with the same factor, this explains why both the nobles and the biblical Jews always generated offspring with their sisters and daughters. MOST IMPORTANTLY, WHY MORE THAN 90% OF THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES AND OF THE EUROPEAN ROYALTY, WITH THE BRITISH REAL FAMILY TO THE FRONT, DO YOU HAVE THE NEGATIVE RH FACTOR IN YOUR BLOOD?

On the other hand we must note that both Zachary Sitchin in his work THE 12TH PLANET, and Alexander Eleazar LEENDANIK talk about the crossing between aliens and the native species improved. I want to say that according to NELSOGGETTO the common physical characteristics of people with Rh blood negative
that could be scientifically proven or observed:

-larger than the medium-sized head
-low blood pressure
-Low heart rate

  • ribs or additional vertebrae
    -High IQ
  • sharpened feelings, including vision
    -blood can not be cloned
    -hair light colored, mostly red or reddish,
    -lighter eyes (blue, greenish brown or green eyes)
    -sol and sensitivity to heat
    -Training towards health professions
  • Body scars that can not be explained
  • Frequent sympathetic diseases
  • some "magic" properties (very difficult, if not impossible, to try).

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Finally, I want my followers to start AWAKENING and become aware of the importance of knowing their blood type and thereby define their characteristics inherited from our creators. I confess that I never understood why the first time they drew my blood, the nurse who answered me told me that I had BLUE BLOOD, now I know.

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