"Cigarettes in Thailand, 2017", is an analytical report by Market Research HUB that provides extensive and highly detailed current and future market trends in the Thai market. The report offers Market size and structure of the overall and per capita consumption based upon a unique combination of industry research, fieldwork, market sizing analysis, and our in-house expertise.
Despite growing pressure on sales the Thai cigarette market has, until recently, it proved surprisingly resilient. The cigarette sector faces major competition from RYO. Some trade estimates place the size of this market as high as the equivalent of 40 billion pieces. The Thailand Tobacco Monopoly (TTM) dominates sales, although in recent years higher imports have reduced its overall share. In response, TTM has been aggressively pursuing a policy of brand development, utilizing competitive pricing as well as new brands.
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- The Thailand Tobacco Monopoly faces substantial problems, including the growing popularity of international brands amongst younger smokers.
- Thailand has one of the largest RYO markets in the world.
- Hard box packs have been gaining popularity due to their use for imported brands and the TTM has begun introducing box packs for some of its own brands to try to counter the attraction offered by imported brands in these packs.
Reasons to buy
- Get a detailed understanding of consumption to align your sales and marketing efforts with the latest trends in the market.
- Identify the areas of growth and opportunities, which will aid effective marketing planning.
- The differing growth rates in regional product sales drive fundamental shifts in the market.
- This report provides detailed, authoritative data on these changes - prime intelligence for marketers.
- Understand the market dynamics and essential data to benchmark your position and to identify where to compete in the future.
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Table of Contents
1. Overview 5
- Market Size 6
- Market Structure 11
- Manufacturers & Brands 16
- Taxation & Retail Prices 21
5.1. Taxation 21
5.2. Retail Prices 23 - The Smoking Population 25
- Production and Trade 30
7.1. Production 30
7.2. Imports 33
7.3. Exports 37 - Operating Constraints 41
8.1. Advertising Restrictions 41
8.2. Health Warnings 42
8.3. Other Restrictions 44 - Company Profiles 46
- Prospects & Forecasts 47
- Appendix 49
11.1. What is this Report About? 49
11.2. Time Frame 50
11.3. Product Category Coverage 50
11.4. Methodology 51
11.5. About Market Research HUB 53
11.6. Disclaimer 54
11.7. Contact Us 55
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Market Research Hub (MRH) is a next-generation reseller of Tobacco Products market research reports and analysis. MRH’s expansive collection of market research reports has been carefully curated to help key personnel and decision makers across industry verticals to clearly visualize their operating environment and take strategic steps.
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