cigarettes kill you

in cigarettes •  7 years ago  (edited)

Cigarette is a cylinder of paper length between 70 to 120 mm with a diameter of about 10 mm containing tobacco leaves that have been chopped

Rokok adalah silinder dari kertas berukuran panjang antara 70 hingga 120 mm dengan diameter sekitar 10 mm yang berisi daun-daun tembakau yang telah dicacah

The content of tar on cigarettes will be attached to the lungs, and cause a brown color on the teeth and nails. The danger of smoking for future health is that it can cause heart disease and heart attacks. Because the carbon monoxide content in cigarette smoke is inhaled into the bloodstream.

Kandungan tar pada rokok akan menempel pada paru-paru, serta menimbulkan warna cokelat pada gigi dan kuku. Bahaya merokok bagi kesehatan tubuh selanjutnya adalah dapat menyebabkan penyakit jantung dan serangan jantung. Karena kandungan karbon monoksida pada asap rokok yang dihirup masuk ke aliran darah.


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Hello my friend, we are using the tag "my2017" for posts about a contest, would you mind changing the tag please? This post has nothing to do with the contest.

I´m sorry my friend but I want people browsing the tag "my2017" without stumbling into tag spam, I already voted your entry with some good $6 in rewards, let me know when you remove the tag and I will kindly remove the flag.

oke done .. i am sorry about that

hai kawan @wahyunibukhari, salam...

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yuk join ya, gabung dengan teman-teman lainnya. kita cara nafkah bersama di steem :)
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terima kasih ya
