Forecasting with Cindicator — one man’s journey on the road to becoming a crypto-currency trader.

in cindicator •  7 years ago 


Fibonacci retracements, simple moving average (SMA), Relative Strength Index (RSI), Ichimoku Cloud indicator, these are just some of the acronyms defining market trading generally, and now the trade of cryptocurrencies. I am a cryptocurrency trading neophyte, having only become interested in the trade of cryptocurrencies as a result of my introduction to Cindicator, and their immersive, engaging and fun mobile application forecasting tool. My interest, at this time in my journey, is in cryptocurrency trading only. I recognise traditional markets will affect the trade in cryptocurrencies. It is Cindicator’s forecasting tool specifically, their mobile application, that has had a significant influence on me and my maturation from forecaster, to cautious cryptocurrency buyer and seller, to my desired destination of market cryptocurrency trader. I appreciate, for the cautious, it should be a journey, a road well-travelled and not just a destination.

What my story is NOT about!
All traders, whether traditional market or cryptocurrency, look to outperform the market. In consideration of any trading tool, the Cindicator platform will be considered a valuable tool if it can help achieve this for traders, both small and large. “Outperforming the market” means earning a level of investment return above the market for a lower level of risk taken. I will not be discussing this. I do however recognise the value of such discussion as it touches on matters of Modern portfolio theory, but I leave for others to discuss. My story touches on Cindicator’s value to introduce the trading domain, traditional or cryptocurrency, to a wholly new group of participants, a group forgotten until now but possessing a huge market presence and untapped value and utility, until now that is! This is my story!

Why am I drawn to cryptocurrency forecasting generally and Cindicator’s approach to presentation, education, and participation, specifically? As I ponder this question I am drinking coffee and seated beside my elderly father, 82 years young. My father is a seasoned traditional market share trader, having had considerable exposure and periods of great trading success over the past forty years. Much appears to have changed between traditional market trading and trading instruments of cryptocurrencies, especially the new erc20 compliant utility tokens. In the writing of this article I have sort my Fathers counsel on matters of traditional trading methods and ethos.

Defining an interest
What is the catalyst for my own interest in the emerging crypto-market forecasting and trading? It is a matter of evolutionary DNA, the prodigal son following in his father’s footsteps, or is it more a case of being attracted to an outstanding offer, in the form, features, utility and design of the Cindicator mobile app? Are some consideration of this question I believe, the Cindicator mobile forecasting application, and the discovery of same, was, for me, the contravening event and catalyst of my interest and entry into the domain of group forecasting, AI and platform driven predictive analytics’.

The mobile device — the modern ‘MUST-HAVE’
My interest in mobile application services is historical. From 2007 my life centred on capturing the perfect user service experience, around a software as a service (SaaS) telecoms and communications offering, encapsulated in a set of mobile devices, often wrought with issues of fragmentation, and software incompatibility. The perfect mobile applications offers access and insight to a customer’s social network, personal wants and interests and behaviour descriptive of a user’s future aspirations and dreams. The mobile device remains the global ‘must-have.’ It is carried everywhere we go offering an almanac of information and remaining the holy grail of customer access. Arguably it is becoming a device of time creation, enabling more to be done within its interface and thereby making time for the user. Almost every customer driven endeavour has a mobile aspect to it.

Cryptocurrency and the changing landscape of investment risk
In the era of my Father’s first investment, the typical Australian mining company reported its estimated mineral resource, typically by assay assessed area, unit economics of the mining operation, plant and infrastructure cost and other fixed costs based on a continuum of resource price. There was often a five year forecast of profit/loss and cash flow for the intended operation or ongoing concern. Even four decades ago the regulated Aussie mining industry was mature, in respect of reporting and defining regulatory and statutory consequences for false, fraudulent or misleading reporting/Accounting.

In comparison to the above, the Cryptocurrency market has been described as “the wild west of trading.” Common apothegms like, “buy on a rumour, sell on the news,” does nothing to illustrate an investment landscape of informed participants, each equally and fairly informed of all information. Add to this, the very nature and context of the risk, being, in many cases the cryptocurrency is supported by an idea only, described in a published ‘White Paper’ with a captivating website and some support of ‘Q&A’ on some specific forums designed for this purpose. The weakness in the scope of the Q&A forums may be they are only visited by the more informed, information exchanged within is typically not quantified or qualified in respect to any business detail, promise or omission. Bring this all together you have new domain of risk where the ‘unknown’ come together with ‘rumours’ and ‘falsehoods’ to swim in a soup of chance.

Transitioning to the risk of today (cryptocurrencies) from the risk of yesteryear
It is clear the growth of interest, utility and economic value around digital coins and the companies that promote and mint/mine these coins is fundamental to the future of many global industries and ecosystems. BlockChain is a technology with a huge ‘relevance footprint’ encapsulating nearly every user case where there is a requirement for a ledger of record and transparency.

Investors wanting to delve across to the new domain of ‘crypto-everything’ cannot rely on the normal reporting mechanisms to make informed decisions and get a feel for the company, sector and industry. It is clear a new regime of applications services is required to bridge the gap between guesswork (speculation) and informed decision making (investment). Many cryptocurrency stories are yet to be written. No one, that I have seen, has a definitive understanding of what a cryptocurrency assets is actually worth? The question of what someone would actually pay for the relying BlockChain asset is never asked, it becomes a question of ‘maybe’ and hence great speculation is born around questions of technology fit, development, evolution and eventually commercialisation.

Cindicator is an earlier applications and platform services provider of market insight. Customer access to information, insight and intuition, is all bundled up inside an iOS and Android mobile application. Cindicator offers specific, immersive and critical coin and market index questions to trigger (i) curiously, then (ii) understanding and knowledge. This is all experienced through a clever and intuitive mobile interface. It is this mobile experience, and this experience alone, that I credit my introduction to the possibilities of this new domain and my birth into the realm of crypto-everything, not just the currencies and coins but an ongoing search to understand the value propositions against each unique crypto-story and how value and potential can be sensibly expressed as coin price.

A look inside the Cindicator user experience
Advancement in one technological domain never occurs in isolation but in concert with many others. Einstein’s Second Law of thermodynamics describes a closed system continually searching for a state of greater entropy. This may be true for nature and the greater Universe, however I believe, new technologies, in the search for value, will converge with other technologies, giving a synergy value greater than the value of the component parts. I believe the Cindicator “collective intelligence Platform’ and the mobile application, as the point of access to the cindicator service, to be a shining example of this phenomenon.

Trading within the domain of Cryptocurrencies brings new challenges defined by the new market and what it represents. How does a trader build an ‘intuitive feel’ for the cadence, the ‘ebbs and flows’ of the cryptocurrency market? Inside the Cindicator forecasting application, cindicator has captured the excitement, imagination and passion of the cryptocurrency market and presented the environment in such a way as to offer an intuitive education, via active and honest participation.

This education does not happen instantaneously, but as a result of a concerted effort to understand and predict accurately. Participation in the learning event is made fun, through an intuitive interface and well-structured reporting mechanism. It is the continual participation in forecasting that enables the forecaster to learn a sense of internal, external and extraneous market features which may precipitate the movement of different digital currencies of interest. To say succinctly, it is the process of seeking out, of searching and exploring for information that builds the candidates unique understanding and knowledge base upon which to base future predictions, and upon which to base greater participation and future interaction with the Cindicator Collective Intelligence Platform for possible greater reward.

My strategy in using cryptocurrency for learning, forecasting and trading
My initial use of the Cindicator forecasting App was based on fun, ease of use, and general interest. The application served as a portal to education, imagination and excitement, around a domain I knew little about. My early investment strategy, after a month or so of forecasting, was to glean a sense of what the applications content was speaking to, as a ‘sign post’ to further research. It is not lost on me that Cindicator may have already given me a huge positive result, being ‘opportunity cost’ can be a very positive result — not doing anything in a declining market.

It is the conversion of fun, future disruption and financial gain that Cindicator have captured to enable everyone an access point to the world of collective intelligence and trading against traditional and cryptocurrency markets. This is a market domain where fun, interest access, knowledge and knowhow is available through a mobile app, for everyone.

My journey as a trader has just began. I am aware, with the fullness of time, my trading interest will expand from just cryptocurrencies to encapsulate the traditional markets of stocks, futures and forex. As I mature into a full trader, and then perhaps an expert trader, the Cindicator platform and ecosystem will support me with technology, artificial intelligence driven ‘Bots,’ that will assist me in making ever increasingly sophisticated and informed trading decisions. I look forward to the future, but with patience, as I know, I will arrive when I am ready. There a two explicit truths, that will accompany me, on my journey towards a balanced trading future of fun and reward. These truths are:

(i) The genesis of my interest in trading and subsequent learning, now and into the future, is and will continue to be the Cindicator mobile forecasting application, and

(ii) As my trading maturity increases, Cindicator will accompany me and provide me with an ever increasing array of application services and tools that will encourage, accompany and compliment my growing trading sophistication and want for more information on which to base my trading decisions.

My relationship with the Cindicator platform, Ecosystem and community is one of father and son. As a father encourages his son to engage more and more with the outside world, Cindicator is silently supporting me with what I need to grow, within myself, and when I am ready to take the next step forward, I will have the support, information and experience of a community of intelligence, both human and man-made, to support me.

About the Author
Co-founder of a 2007 Software as a Service (SaaS) start-up in the domain of fixed, mobile convergence. A SaaS consultant with a passion for start-ups, creating value from an idea and a blank piece of paper.


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