Snobs snobbing.

in cinema •  2 years ago 


Snobs are a problem. People who think that their tastes are objective and other people’s tastes are wrong, give me a break.

Winter Soldier is an excellent film. Heartfelt, anti authoritarian, poignant, exciting plot, thought-provoking.

The Aviator is an excellent film. Heartfelt, anti authoritarian, poignant, exciting plot, thought-provoking.

You wouldn’t watch one if you were in the mood for the other, you can like one and not like the other, you can love or hate both films, but you can’t say that one is a film made by chefs and the other by a fast food joint without casting aspersions that are, for all practical purposes, ad hominem attacks.

Scorsese’s blanket condemnation of the MCU is pathetic.

We live in an age where more creators are doing more storytelling in more media than ever before.

The MCU is not undermining a higher level of filmmaking, it’s not crowding anything out, it’s not lowering the bar, all accusations which were levelled against Stan Lee and other ComicBook creators by book publishers and the industry of critics that support them. Snobs snobbing.

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