in circles •  7 years ago 

“LORD, you have been merciful to your land; you have made Israel prosperous again. You have forgiven your people's sins and pardoned all their wrongs.” Psalms‬ ‭85:1-2‬ ‭GNB‬‬

I do not like circles, it is a symbol of motion without progress. A life that is moving in circles repeats experiences, sometimes up, and then down, only to repeat the same motions again, and the years are passing by. The life of the nation of Israel was a circle of prosperity, followed by sin, punishment, repentance, forgiveness, restoration, affluence, leading to sin and the wheels continue to roll. We can see this circle all through the times of the judges and beyond.

Many Christian lives are the same, a repetition of besetting sins, leading to a repetition of unprogressive experiences. This circular dance, definitely is not the will of God. The truly Christian life is supposed to grow from a level of glory to another. Why the circles ? Are we taking the mercies of God for granted? Why are we so easily distracted from the path of glory He has set for our feet? Why always returning to Him in repentance, instead of walking into and abiding in His will?

Let us pray, that the scripture above will find fulfillment in our lives, that the Lord will be merciful to our land, that our nation will prosper again, that our cooperate and individual sins will be pardoned, and a rain of favor will fall upon us. Let us pray too, that the circles that stagnate, will be broken and our individual lives will spring from glory to glory, for, that is the will of God.

Take authority over your personal circle today, and walk into His will.

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