Citizen Finance - Gaming Platform, Gaming System AchievementssteemCreated with Sketch.

in citizen •  3 years ago 


Citizen finance is a registered trademark of adverse studio . All logos are registered trademarks of their respective owners. Are copyrighted the native token of citizen finance platform . The token is minted through nft staking and liquidity mining user can utilize token to purchase nfts from the secondary marketplace use as fees to lunch own skil proposal development fee for cifipowa stake to Eran liquidity rewards and also use for lending protocol.

Citizen finance offers player s full ownership of in game assets .the games assets Blockchain based non fungible token in which player obtains rewards for playing the game and staking the assets on the decentralization pool with full ownership of in game assets users can sell them gift them use it is collateral.


Citizen Finance is an introduction to GameFi and true ownership of in-game assets. While acting as a bridge between the world of traditional gaming and blockchain, Citizen Finance will create a platform where players are the true owners of their in-game assets, they can stake it, resell it, gift it or simply use it as collateral.
Right to property is often classified as human right which gives every citizen the right to own property purchased using their own fund. Property can include real estate, autos and in our case virtual properties like in-game assets. The main property rights are;
Right of Control
Right of Possession
Right of Exclusion
Right to Derived Income
Right of Disposition
Till date, one of the most prominent problem in the traditional video gaming industry is denial of property right when it comes to in-game assets. Players are not the true owners of their in-game assets even if they had purchased it with in-game currency which in turn was purchased with fiat currency. What they can do with the asset is limited to the utilities of the game. The player lacks true control of their assets, can not derived income from it and also can not dispose it.
Blockchain technology has enabled some games introduced true ownership of in-game assets but the utilities for this new concept is still small and has no real impact in the industry. Citizen Finance will be introducing new concepts and utilities for in-game assets using blockchain technology.


Why are NFTs Special?

The specialty of non-fungible tokens revolves round three (3) concept namely; Unique, Rare & Indivisible.
Unique: One major feature that makes NFTs special is the fact of it being unique. Unlike fungible token, each nft has its own unique properties (metadata) that are peculiar to one token. It's impossible for 2 NFTs in same platform to have same properties.

Rarity: NFTs are rare collectibles with limited supply. The scarcity mechanism is one thing that makes owning a non-fungible token special.

Indivisibility: Unlike fungible token, a non-fungible token can not be divided into smaller units. Bitcoin and other fungible assets can be split into smaller unit but non-fungible token needs to be bought, sold and held as a single unit.

The use case of NFTs varies depending on the business model of the platform. While for the most part, it has been used to represent arts and in-game assets but its use case are not limited to arts and gaming alone. NFTs can be used to represent company shares, bonds, real estates, membership and many others. Terra Virtua has been able to successfully implement NFTs on arts, Cryptokitties and GodsUnchained brought NFTs to in-game assets while Decentraland, The Sandbox and Spheroid Universe are giving NFTs a unique use case in the digital real estate industry.

Citizen Finance introduction of NFTs for in-game assets is mainly to promote true ownership of in-game assets and enable players to legally exchange assets between one and anothers.

Benefits of the project

Citizen Finance has a very unique and enduring territory where each side strives to create citizen finances and each holds a glorious future in CIFI.
Citizen Finance will have DApps at the Binance SmartChain organization where people can buy CIFI chips while playing fun games.
Citizen Finance has a betting system! Hence, people can make profit and reliability by placing CIPHI chips on DApps!
CIFI Chip Holders Can Receive Owner's Award. Resident funding will have more competition for the accumulation of CIFI chips without creating obstacles.
With limited inventory, the unpredictability of the CIFI chip will be less and its value will continue to rise. These are great benefits for CIFI chip holders.

Information about token:

• Symbol: CIFI
• Network: Binance Smart Chain
• Decimal number: 18
• Type: Utilities and Management
• Scope of delivery: 500,000


The Citizen Finance platform is well designed to usher in the cryptocurrency era. Bringing cryptocurrency into the game gives players the opportunity to enjoy the game and replenish their pockets in the process.
Focusing on one of the world's fastest growing industries (online gaming), Citizen Finance will help the world achieve an intensification of the global economy through gaming.

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Btt username : Bojokunakal
Btt profile :;u=2887272

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