Talking about Mahler

in classical-music •  7 years ago  (edited)

At our student Mahler 5 camp, I introduced Mahler 5 to young people from Thailand and Taiwan. In many cases this was their first exposure to Mahler. I'm sharing this because it's one of the times I got to talk about the subject in English. As soon as the talk was over, the rehearsals began....

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You do so much for the kids! I've watched your programs grow from the first string quartet to the symphonies and operas!

And I've learned so much from your postings on line. The youtube channel is a treasure trove of fine performances watching these young musicians develop.

The world needs more Somtows . Perhaps we could clone you? One for operas, one for kids music programs, one for the symphonies , one for sf & fantasy, and one to just be you!

Thanks so much Meg. Well, you were the first person EVER to see any value in what I do ... back in the 1970s...