A wanderer
Walking in the countryside
And the distance (literally step) between my and my beloved is vast
In a faraway land where I am a stranger
The night approaches as the day leaves
And if you find my love say hi to her for me
Reassure me about how she is doing so far away from me
A wanderer walking in the nights
Not knowing what I'm doing
What has this separation from my love done to me?
For years I've been melting with desire and longing
I just wanna know where is the way to her
My eyes, ah, my eyes (i.e. his beloved)
Where are you, what's happened to you and what are you doing?
My worries, ah my worries
Get away from me, I don't need this
I'm confused about her as it is
And I can't rest
I'm lost, a wanderer
Oh moon, oh you who forgets me
Take me to the one who is absent
Give me light and show me the trail of my darling
I've enjoined you with my last will and you are my witness
Tell her what's going on with me and what I've suffered in the nights
This is the original video of the song. I hope you get your admiration
The original song of Abdel Halim Hafez""
عبد الحليم حافظ - سواح
سواح وماشي في البلاد سواح
والخطوة بيني وبين حبيبي براح
مشوار بعيد وأنا فيه غريب
والليل يقرب والنهار رواح
وان لقاكم حبيبي سلموا لي عليه
طمنوني الأسمراني عامله إيه الغربة فيه
سواح وأنا ماشي ليالي سواح
ولا داري بحالي سواح
من الفرقة يا غالي سواح
إيه اللي جرى لي سواح
وسنين وأنا دايب شوق وحنين
عايز أعرف بس طريقه منين
يا عيوني..آه يا عيوني
إيه جرى لك فين إنت وبتعمل إيه
يا ظنوني..آه يا ظنوني
ما تسيبوني مش ناقص أنا حيرة عليه
لا أنا عارف أرتاح
وأنا تايه سواح
يا قمر يا ناسيني رسيني عاللي غايب
نور لي .. وريني سكة الحبايب
وصيتك وصية يا شاهد عليا
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