Its not hard to cover this stuff up as if your beyond entry level and smart enough you get to have experiance with our cloaking technology they put on spacecraft and aircraft.
SOmeone has to make this stuff for the military and billionaires well there you go lol.
Feel free to doubt me i do sometimes but nasa even admitted to having a warp drive protype but wouldnt go into almost anything on how it works expect what sounded like pulling energy from the fabric of space time to make it work like zero point devices.....
& that he cant really say anything cause of top secret no disclosure agreements.... lmao....
its part of there divison known as eagleworks that makes and developes exotic propulsion systems like light speed travel which already exists cause i found a patent weeks ago for accelerating mass to the speed of light for use as a propulsion system im like fucking knew it listein to ur intution fuckers!
A NASA scientist claims to be on the verge of faster-than-light travel: is he for real?
that was back in 2013 - so probably already have it i know for a fact it exists
ive been visited multiple times me interstellar craft one of whom i talked to 2 days later and they told me they where over 450 light years away.
kinda his nice way of saying yea im not in the neighboorhood at the moment sides u didnt seem intersted at the time anyways so maybe another time.
makes way more sense cause yea alot of et's wouldn't visit our solar system if they where fucking idots who believe u cant go faster then the speed of light or it's pretty much impossible to even get to the speed of light or very close to it.
That's why u have to fucking use hyperspace where u raise the vibrational frequency of the craft into a higher realms and use a quantum warp drive duh lmao....