in classroomchallenge •  7 years ago  (edited)

Getting to know people is like travelling on a journey. Every step in that journey unravels their personalities. This is my first awkward steps just like a child in the steemit journey. So, there is more ahead. Thanks @lordjames for introducing me to steemit and for telling me about the #classroomchallenge. I am so thrilled to be here. Now, let's get into the grove of my personality.Screenshot_2018-01-25-13-17-56.png

My name is Joyce Okpobo . I graduated from the University of Benin. Walking through the great walls of this institution was the greatest test of my self-confidence and patience. Studying in Uniben was fun. Never a place like that in the world. From the ‘’don’t pour water’” in hall two, to the arrow guys in hall three, down to the night classes. I bet that only Uniben students can relate with these. I’ll forever be fond of these memories.


I studied fisheries. Surprised??? I was too when I was offered admission cos as at then, I was hearing about that course for the first time. A lot of people wonder why I didn’t study English language and linguistics or any of its close relatives because of the way I speak. Not that I speak in ambiguous or esoteric language o. English language caught my interest very early as a child. Since then, I’ve overtime paid close attention to the way I construct my sentences and speak. Trust me, it wasn’t easy because growing up in Nigeria where everybody speaks pidgin and they like you if you are like them. People meeting me for the first time thought I was acting up (forming as they like to put it.) others thought aloud, “she go soon tire”. There were those who wouldn’t just talk to me. They said I speak English a lot. But tell me, how is that a problem?? Aside English, I speak two Nigerian languages fluently; etsako and esan. Funny how all the languages I speak begin with letter ‘E’.

I’ve got passion for imparting people with knowledge. As a result, I took up a teaching job for several years. I love any job that gives me an opportunity to meet with people. Just any job that gives me an opportunity to express myself or to, educate or enlighten people. Thanks @steemit for this platform. I guess I’m a step close to actualizing my dreams while having fun.

Down to my circle of friends, I wouldn’t say that I am a social butterfly but I have a handful of friends. I love to meet with new people and have discussions at very high frequency. This has pushed me far to developing myself. I love to read anything educative, spiritual, career oriented, informative, just bring it on. This has helped me a lot in conversations as I always have meaningful input irrespective of the field.

Things I do when I’m not sleeping? I love to sew and play scrabble. I love attending church meetings too cos it has helped instilled discipline in me overtime. Discipline to stretch myself beyond my comfort zone; praying for one hour at the least every day. Discipline to begin reading a book and sit my ass down to complete it and much more.

Food!!! I am not really selective when it comes to food. So, I don’t have a favourite meal. But, I have a strong dislike for ogbono soup. Enough about me for now. I look forward to an exciting steemit journey with you all. Cherio!!!

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Welcome Milady Joyce. The world both within and outside the walls of Steemit are waiting for your impact. Have fun, explore, learn and contribute to the community.

Thanks @lordjames. The world within and outside steemit is waiting for us.

Welcome to steemit..

Thanks sir @etimbukndem

welcome to steemit

Thank you