How to Choose a Profitable Niche and Dominate It

in clickbank •  3 years ago 

Begin with What You Know

When you set out to start your internet business, the first thing that you should think about is what you already know. Make a list of your hobbies, interests, education and work experience. Don’t edit your list at this point. Add everything that you can possibly think that you do or enjoy.

Use this time to think outside the box. Remember classes from college, high school and continuing education where you received information that might be helpful to other people. Keep in mind the books and magazines that you read (and the information you have gleaned from them). What ever knowledge you have rumbling around in your brain, this is the time to put it down on paper as a strong point.

Go through a regular week in your life – what do you do in your daily life that other people might find beneficial. Are you able to home school children of different ages, do you feed a large family on a tiny budget or do you have a chore system that keeps the house clean and functioning no matter how many activities cloud the calendar.

There is plenty of information that you have right now that would help other people and that many people would be willing to pay to learn.

The key is to get the possibilities laid out in front of you and then to begin to build a plan around that information that will help you create opportunities for wealth to flow your direction.

Next you will want to expand your list even farther by asking friends and family about what they feel are your strong points. Get the people that know you the best to make separate lists about areas where they think you shine or have a great deal of knowledge. Make sure they understand that the only right answers to this project are lots of answers.

Take the list that you have made and that you have asked others to make and combine them. Now use that list to create categories by taking things that go together (or could go together) and putting them in groups. It will probably be best if you start this process from on a new piece of paper. If sewing, crocheting and needlework are on your lists then make a category of crafts. If baking, organizing, and cleaning are on your list then create a category of home.

It is okay for an item from you list to cross over into more than one category. It is also okay to end up with as many categories as you had items on your list. This is strictly a brainstorming session to help you develop a direction for your online enterprise. The more that you have to work with the better off you will be in the long run.

After all is said and done, you will have several possibilities for launching your internet niche. The next step is to decide which area is closest to you heart and will bring you the most joy. You will work harder at the things where you have the most passion, so make sure that you choose a niche category that you will enjoy working with day in and day out for month after month.

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