- Using the Keyword Tool to generate keyword suggestions.
You can look for keyword themes by entering a term relevant to your field of business or service or a URL to a website that contains content connected to your line of work or service. You may also move right to filtering keyword categories, which is located next to the statistics table. You may use one or both, or both at the same time; the tool is completely adaptable depending on how you choose to use it. Things to try include:
Click on Advanced options to further refine your search, such as by location, language, or mobile search.
Relevant classes will appear on the left. Nonetheless, you may view all of the categories by clicking on Show all categories. Your relevant categories continue to be highlighted.
To fine-tune your search in the main web browser window, choose or deselect the keyword match type checkboxes underneath the usable categories.
To choose the columns you see inside your results information, click the Columns option above the resultants table.
Additional keyword suggestions based on categories or similar phrases.
Following your initial submission of keywords or a URL to the Keyword Tool, more keyword sets will appear beneath the usable keyword categories. They will include frequent keyword sets that contain the original phrase, as well as words that include both synonyms and terms linked to your keyword or URL lookup.
After you've submitted a search using keywords or a site URL, more keyword sets will appear at the bottom of the keyword categories.
If you enter just words or phrases for your search, typical keyword sets including the original term you entered will display below. For example, you may type in "watches."
Your keyword group results contain keyword sets including the phrase "watches." This may contain the keyword combinations "women watches" and "gentlemen's watches." Both of these phrases include your supplied keyword.