Client-Side Performance Testing: Metrics to Consider

in client •  last year 

You can conduct performance testing to ensure that the software is working properly. Software performance testing is divided into two different categories.


client side performance testing: The scope of client testing is to evaluate end-to-end scenarios while also evaluating the presence of elements such as CSS and JavaScript files.
Server-side testing: The scope of server-side testing is to evaluate logical scenarios, focus on application behavior under user load, and check server response time.
In both tests, experiments were run to check the performance of the website. These tests examine the bottlenecks of the application, examine the time required to load at different speeds, and analyze its loading speed, stability, and scalability.
In the example of executing client performance testing, what we need to check is:
The speed and efficiency of the application.
If the user is using the website for the first time, the response time of the web application when they visit the website for the second time.
The time required to present web page elements to users.
The time spent by the user interacting with the first webpage element and the average time spent displaying webpage content.
The goal of client side performance testing
The goal of client performance testing or any performance testing is to identify, evaluate, and make necessary changes to problem areas.
To achieve the best results in client performance testing, you can:
Compress images and JavaScript code.
Provide faster response time and support better caching technology. JS code caching reduces website startup time.
After evaluating the results of server-side performance testing, ensure that necessary changes are implemented.
Minimize HTML, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and JavaScript content.


Remove all unused CSS and JavaScript code.
If necessary, upgrade the server hardware to create more memory space.
To study, analyze, and make necessary changes to the application, software engineers use metrics to study key performance indicators to form conclusions.
Metrological performance testing
Metrics define the performance of an application by evaluating the health, quality, and productivity of the software. Measurement standards determine the quality of performance in a quantitative manner. Research indicators can help software engineers and web developers in the following areas:
It helps to understand how much improvement is needed and where improvement is needed.
It helps to identify issues in applications or websites early on.
It is the determining factor for checking development progress.
They provide key insights about application/software behavior.
It is a measure of quality assurance that is easy to discuss and improve due to its quantitative nature.
It can also help developers make important decisions, such as estimating project costs and planning future projects.
It evaluates whether the current technology requires any modifications.
Types of software testing metrics
Process metrics: This metric defines features and execution, and is crucial for improving the software development lifecycle.
Product metrics: These define the performance, design, quality, and complexity of a product to address its quality issues.
Project Measurement: It measures the overall quality of a project. It calculates team performance, calculates project costs and defects, and estimates deliverables.
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Client metrics in performance testing


The client indicators in the performance test the response of the application to different clients using different platforms (such as desktop, mobile, Smart TV, etc.). Client metrics check interaction speed, location, and connection speed.

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