100+ Followers!!! Global Warming... Fact? Hoax? Geo-Engineering by the Illuminati?

in climate •  8 years ago  (edited)


I've been taught my whole life that The world is slowly getting hotter... or colder... or more chaotic. I'm actually not sure because the narrative has changed throughout the years. Through the media and my public indoctrination camp(school) I have been force-fed the idea of climate change for as long as I can remember. I never had a reason to disagree with their hypothesis because I believed that everything the government said and did was real/true/honest/for our benefit. Since I woke up thanks to 9/11, learning about the agenda of the elite in power, I have recently toyed with the idea that climate change is a lie (or possibly created by the elite through geo-engineering "chem-trails") to help push the world toward a one-world government. Gather all the countries together for a common goal, and have them unite to fight this threat.

What do you guys think?

  1. Climate change is real (and predominantly caused by human emissions)?
  2. Climate change is real (but is part of the planet's natural climate fluctuations)
  3. Climate change is real, but caused by the elite through geo-engineering to facilitate the world coming together?
  4. Climate change is Fake, false data, a complete hoax devised by the bilderberg group/tri-lateral commission/skull and bones/illuminati.

A combination?

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