The Chronicles of the Modern Man! #2 - Our Future?

in climate •  4 years ago 


Hello, Good evening to all!

Welcome in this second article of my Blog 'The Chronicles of the Modern Man'.


All that I will Announce, Develop, Detail, Say in this article commits only me and my own person, and I fully assume the consequences!

I ask you, readers, to keep a critical eye on what I say (and to do your own research if necessary). I don't pretend to know all about everything! I am just making my personal observation on a compilation of various data/information collected on the net, in the press, seen in the news, or various reports, etc... and I make my simple conclusions, within the limits of my skills and abilities (I am not an expert in world finance, nor a detractor in any way, all I will write below is my 'personal opinion').


I'm going to talk about things that may shock, that may make me look inhuman. I've had these ideas in my head for more than 10 years, and now it's time to put them in writing, so far I've never read anything, in the press, on the internet, that I can't understand/understand myself.

We are coming to the end of a new decade, and our news is marked by extreme events that would have been unthinkable a few years ago, even under possible apocalyptic SF scenarios.

According to the Forbes site we currently count (list of 02/11/2020) 2256 billionaires worldwide! Who shares a fortune estimated at more than 9,000 Billion Dollars!

Let's go back a few years: in 2000, we counted 470 billionaires, for a total fortune of 898 billion dollars. In 2010, the number more than doubled to 1,011 Billionaires, totalling $3,600 Billion! 10 years later their number has doubled (again) and their total fortune has almost tripled! - Today, the 5 biggest fortunes in the world total nearly $600 Billion!

Apart from the inequalities between the ultra-rich and more and more ultra-poor, pollution has reached record peaks, and as a reminder in 2015, a figure is published, Pollution (air, water, food ...) would be responsible for the death of 8.8 million people in the world, and this number is evolving from year to year.

Another observation that should alarm us. The United Nations Organization was created on August 24, 1945. The first World Census was published in 1950, barely 5 years after the creation of the UN.

  • In 1950, the population was 2.6 billion people.
  • In 1987, we counted 3 Billion inhabitants.
  • In 1999, we were 6 billion people on the planet.
  • In 2020, we count 7.7 Billion souls on our beautiful Planet.

  • In 2022, we will be 8 Billions
  • In 2050, the UN announces the figure of 9.7 Billions
  • In 2100, they think that there will be 11.2 billion people living on Earth.


These numbers don't worry you?

Scientists, archaeologists ... think that the 'Hominids' appeared 7 Million years ago, and as for Homo Sapiens (the closest to the current Man), appeared only 200 000 years ago. So in 200,000 years the population has grown from a few to 2.6 billion residents. And in 70 years (1950-2020) we tripled our population! (1950: 2.6 Billion - 2020: 7.7 Billion)

And here is the 4th and last information. In 2020, the World Debt (Household Debt, Corporate Debt and State Debt) will reach an historical record (estimate), 250 000 Billion Dollars! or 240% of the World GDP!

We have the right to hallucinate, these figures are beyond comprehension, how the world can be indebted to more than twice as much as the resources it possesses and produces!

(Yes I know, you are going to tell me that the Coronavirus crisis has not helped to reduce the world debt, on the contrary, since the first containment of this year the States have spent more than 11 000 Billions of Dollars, in aid and subsidies, but that is not the subject of this article).

So here we are, if we combine all this:

  • 7.7 Billions of Inhabitants
  • 2256 Billionaires, who own more than 60% of the world's wealth (so 99.99997% of the remaining population share the other 40%)
  • Millions of deaths every year due to pollution.
  • Debts that will and can never be repaid!

Let's now get into the subject of this article, Ecology, and especially Climate Change!

For some years now, this fight has become more and more urgent and pressing, the massive Deforestation, the Increase of the Sea and Ocean levels, the Rise of Temperatures, extinctions of Animal Species, ever more violent Cataclysms, etc....

But why aren't we talking about the real problem at hand? Everybody has 'supposedly' ideas and/or initiatives to find solutions. Carbon Tax, Local shops, Consuming less products that travel around the world 2 or 3 times before arriving at home, Recycling, and so on!

But ask yourself this question, isn't the problem the overpopulation of our beautiful Earth?

We are always more inhabitants, there are always more and more inequalities and poor people, there is less work, because we automate everything. The calculation is simple: - of work vs. + of people looking for work = .. Growing inequalities, but also people who (over)live thanks to state aid (when the country allows it).

We are always more to consume, we all want the latest Smartphone, we all want big cars, we want to travel and discover, we want more, always more! So necessarily the biggest companies must produce more, must exploit more, must pollute more, for our 'pseudo' comfort and our 'pseudo' well-being.

And each generation discharges all responsibility for its impact on the Climate (directly or indirectly), saying to itself "Our children, our grandchildren will find solutions!".

But the following generations want to live like their parents, so they too consume more and more!

Few people still have faith in our future, and even fewer are those who are committed, who are militant, to make people aware of the seriousness of things today!

Personally I find that it is (soon) too late, that this fight is (almost) lost, and we are starting to suffer the consequences!

We are left with only one and ultimate solution, which will not be done in a few months or years, but which must be of a common and universal will! A worldwide awareness! WE must discipline ourselves alone, no one will do it for us! And WE must resolve to regulate the Population, by reducing the demography!

Do you think your children will be happy in a world:

  • Without work? (only a rare elite will have access to decent work),
  • Where Misery is Omnipresent?
  • Where Ecological/Climatic Damage becomes irremediable?

Don't you think it is 'selfish' to have children in today's society? I say 'selfish' because when it comes to having children, you are doing it for whom? For the good of society? For the good of the Planet? or for the good of your Couple/Family?

I KNOW that my speech is almost incomprehensible, that many people will insult me, that even more people will hate me! But I fully assume what I write, and that only involves me and my own person! These are my convictions!

  • To save our Future we must adopt a principle of Population Self-Regulation!

This will not happen in 1 or 2 generations! But much further in time

IF we manage to divide the World Population by 2 instead of increasing it by 50% in the next 80 years, how do you think the world will be?

In my opinion it will be like this:

  • Fewer over-farming of agricultural land (and less use of pesticides to increase yields to meet ever-increasing demand) to feed everyone
  • More work available for fewer job seekers (equal opportunity for all)
  • People will have a much healthier Air
  • Maintenance and development of a more sustainable ecosystem

Won't they be more comfortable with 4 Billion residents on Earth? instead of 11 Billion!

Did you know that every year we consume more and more? Always more than the Earth can provide us? We call it "Earth Overshoot Day". Since 1971 this date has been moving inexorably forward on the Calendar!

  • 1971: on December 20th we had consumed all the resources the planet can produce in one year!
  • 1980: November 4th
  • 1990 : October 10th
  • 2000 : September 23rd
  • 2010 : August 7th
  • 2015: August 5th
  • 2019: July 29th was the Earth Overshoot Day.
  • Miraculously, thanks, or because of the Coronavirus, this year the date has been postponed to August 22nd!

So as you can see, with 7.7 Billions of inhabitants on earth, our agricultural lands can't provide all the resources necessary to satisfy all the World, so do you think that with 11 Billions of inhabitants, the world will be better off ? (they will be condemned to feed on insects, in-vitro meats, and what do I know ...).

Wouldn't it be time to realize NOW, and FAST! that the (perhaps) only solution for our future generations is precisely the reduction of the world's population? (In a natural way)

So, the debate is open, what is your point of view? What do you think of what I have presented to you? Am I totally wrong? Am I part of the solution?

Thank you for reading this second article of The Chronicles of the Modern Man. #TCMM

Christophe WILHELM

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