Vote For Change Now

in climate •  7 years ago 

NASA maps how nutrients affect plant productivity

The least eligible, least educated, least knowledgeable US president ever to hold office, is bent on destroying the most important agreement ever made between world leaders, dwarfing nuclear nonproliferation in import. Sign Petition here

The matter of supreme urgency at present threatens all life on Earth and we have a point beyond which we will be powerless to counter it.

That point may already have been reached and at the present peak of effort on the part of world leaders to motivate the required changes, we all need to makes our voices heard and give ourselves a chance at a future by influencing the outcome.

A G20 world summit shortly address the matter of climate change and reaffirm the accord reached just before the US election concluded, after which Trump withdrew US support, which brought efforts to a grinding halt. Sign Petition here

NASA - Vital Signs of the Planet

German chancellor Angela Merckle, it is hoped, will attempt to isolate the US and thereby save the accord between the rest and salvaging some hope for efficacious action.

Visit this LINK to add your voice to those who are standing for a life sustaining environment.


I joined Avaaz in Jan 2012 when there were 17 million members. There are now over 44 million who support a wide variety of efforts to address the wrongs of modern politics and the improvement of the human condition by fighting corruption, starvation, unemployment, persecution, intolerance, racism, sexism and a host of other evils.

Simply by reading the subject matter of petitions created on the Avaaz platform and pressing one button to add your name, you can be part of one of largest movements for change this world has ever seen.

Through the Internet, all members can receive notification within hours of each other and amass a 40 million strong vote, which should be large enough to influence any government or organisation on Earth.

This is the most powerful medium for change we have ever had. Lets avail ourselves of this opportunity to make a difference, protect ourselves, our children and our planet from the mistakes our leaders may make in governance as motivated and coerce by those with diabolic agendas.

Avaaz petition

Additional opinions on the subject :

Trump’s Climate-Change Sociopathy 7 June 2017

Our Disgraceful Exit From the Paris Accord 1 June 2017

"The right has orchestrated a massive public relations campaign to discredit climate science and now a good number of Americans don't believe global warming is really happening." Noam Chomsky: How Climate Change Became a ‘Liberal Hoax’

Source :

Opinions expressed are personal, influenced by articles referred to herein.
Images are from the sites referred to in the embedded links, from Pixabay and Google Images licensed for reuse

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Unfortunately mostly politicians only hungry with power and wealth. Sad that nobody cares about this.

Many do care. Did you join and sign the petition and see how many care? Did you stand for what you are sayong here? I certainly hope so :)