RE: The IPCC Exposed

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The IPCC Exposed

in climate •  6 years ago  (edited)

Well, I agree that the 'statists' are probably behind the massive geoengineering program that's been going on since the end of WWII. I'm sure the goal was to slow down global warming, but it's causing more harm than good. That's a whole story in itself.

I do follow the GeoengineeringWatch channel led by Dane Wigington. Although I can't say I agree with him 100%, I think he's a very important voice in humanity's fight against the threat of climate change and the NWO agenda.

I certainly don't like the NWO agenda. It just seems to be the only viable alternative to human extinction. Humanity is moving too slowly to address the threat of climate change. A global catastrophe of massive famine, flooded coastal cities, pandemics, and possible human extinction is now inevitable, IMO.

I think the countries of the world would be more than willing to sign, let's say, a 'Population Control Treaty' after going through a horrendous global climate catastrophe. It's not a question of space. There's plenty of space. It's the production of goods and services (buildings, vehicles, electricity, food, etc) in support of the population that's using up the Earth's limited resources and destroying it's biosphere. The size of the population is not sustainable.

The treaty would set population targets, but each country would have to decide how it would address its target. Some might adopt a 'one child per family' policy, for example. I think an effective approach would be to adopt policies designed to increase educational and entrepreneurial opportunities for women. I have heard more than one scientist say that such policies to empower women would lead to lower birth rates.

In any case, if we don't get going, the coming global catastrophe will become the Earth's sixth mass extinction.

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hulabugger -

What you call a "Country" exists only in your mind and the delegation of rights you don't have as an individual unto a collective is magical thinking. The entire facade of statism is a dance of madness within the minds of the indoctrinated that refuse to be self reliant, refuse to be free, refuse to respect freedom of others.

You can't shed your accountability for initiating aggression against others through magical thinking. In a dystopia chickenshit conformity is no achievement.

Why would you make a leap of faith that the global engineering programs ongoing since WWII were implemented to combat global warming? If you follow surely you've noticed that every video starts with an excerpt by Lyndon Johnson lamenting like a madman how "he that controls the weather will control the world".

Your magicians are destroying the world on purpose. Cuddle up close to them if you want. I don't care. I'm going the other way thanks.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

Mr Wigington states in this very video (5:30) you provided that the globalists are conducting the geoengineering program with the objective of mitigating climate change. He repeats that in almost every video, I think.

He also says that the program is backfiring disastrously and needs to be stopped. It's damaging the ozone layer, disrupting weather patterns, and contaminating the water, soil, and air we breathe. As I understand it, Mr Wigington does not feel these detrimental effects were planned, but are the result of gross and reckless incompetence (my words).

However, the statists are definitely planning and executing programs to weaponize the weather as well. Mr Wigington states that five major hurricanes since 2017 (Harvey, Irma, Maria, Florence, and Michael) were steered onto the coasts of Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, the Carolinas, and the Florida panhandle respectively, with the goal of causing maximum damage. They can't start the hurricane, but they can push it in a certain direction and strengthen it. They can also cause droughts or floods in a given region.

So, the statists, as you call them, (I prefer to call them 'the globalists or psychopaths') are happy to kill innocents - American, Syrian, Vietnamese, and so on, it doesn't matter; they hate all humanity equally. And I certainly do hate them back. In no way, shape, or form do I advocate for a NWO type of government.

hulabugger -

Dane Wigington consistently explains:

  1. That the globalists deny conducting global geoengineering programs.

  2. That geoengineers advocate programs that claim a stated agenda of geoengineering to combat climate change and are traitors, honor-less order followers acting only to collect a paycheck and protect their pensions knowing full well that they are destroying the biosphere.

  3. That geoengineering was implemented initially to control the weather as a weapon and remains a form of weather and biological warfare against all populations.

Are you deliberately being deceitful in correlation to advocating technocratic eugenics? Is your income primarily funded through theft by taxation?

I'm going the other way thanks.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

Of course the globalists and their minions are going to deny anything about geoengineering. They are desperate to conceal it from the public.

And about those geoengineering honor-less order-followers, who do you think is giving them their orders - the globalists. Many of them, I suspect, may not know that geoengineering is causing more harm than good. They feel they are doing good for humanity by helping to fight climate change.

I worked 16 years in commercial industry and 20 years in federal service. Although I was an electronics technologist and not involved in geoengineering, I did work for the federal gov't, so I guess I was one of those honor-less order-followers.

To advocate means to support or recommend. I do not support or recommend a NWO, eugenics, or population control agenda. What I'm saying is that humanity may not have any other choice. It's either control population growth or face a climate catastrophe which may lead to near-term extinction.

hulabugger -

You've been sussed. I know the history of technocracy. I only maintain voluntary relationships, and you can't have one. These are my final words to you.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA